@Garden Answer

Garden Answer: Planting a Weeping Alaskan Cedar, Sedum & Hydrangeas + Transplanting a Mature Hibiscus! 🌲🙌🌿


Proven Winners – https://www.provenwinners.com/
Espoma Organic – https://www.espoma.com/
Power Planter Augers – https://www.gardenanswer.com/collections/power-planter
Hartley Botanic – https://hartley-botanic.com/
FELCO – https://www.gardenanswer.com/collections/felco

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Garden Answer
680 SE 13th St
Ontario, Oregon 97914


  1. Love the hydrangea hadge, I have hydrangea in my backyard but do to my poor choices in location I had to move it, from a full sun to the spot where it will be protected from te afternoon sun (in my area we have +40° Celsius most of the July and August) it leafed out but the leafs are bright green/yellow..
    Btw you made me in love with gardening.❤

  2. I saw someone make a wooden tray with a hole in the middle that he used with his auger to keep the mulch clean. What he had wouldn't work with a large plant, but I thought cutting the tray in half would work for large plants when you can't lift it over the top (you could hinge it on one side).

  3. Laura and Aaron: I wish you could come to my house and give me a beautiful garden or run a contest to give one of your viewers a makeover to their yard. 🥰

  4. Best Gardening channel ever……yet, they have the Worst Music. 🎼🎼 (would be better without the music)
    (Too loud / please… stop speeding it up / not relaxing.) > Gardening should be relaxing.

  5. I absolutely love how everything has turned out. It is also completely adorable that Douglas is always right there ready to help

  6. Hello Laura and family, everything is looking beautiful and you're really filling in the area's so nicely can't wait to see it all in bloom. My favorite is watching Benjamin and Samantha help brought a smile to my face that is so sweet. You and Aaron are raising such beautiful, helpful children ❤️ they will take over the gardens someday 😊❤
    God's blessings to you all 😊❤

  7. Love the cedar!!! Love the full hydrangeas edge too 🙂 but i do feel like the butterfly bushes are too close to the hydrangeas… it looks like they are going to grow into each other really quickly! I would move them back! 🙂

  8. That hibiscus is gorgeous! Would it be an ‘overqualified’ addition to the dirtland? It adds that tropical vibe in the area among natural-looking trees

  9. I have a plant question please. In a video you showed a beautiful white cone flower. I called Proven Winners and they do not have any right now. It might be another brand. Looking on line would be so much easier if anyone can help. Thank you!🙏😍🐈

  10. Has anyone used the Surefire Begonia? I ordered one to see how it does on a screened porch. Some begonias will drop blooms at the slightest movement and I'm hoping Surefire doesn't do this.

  11. When we moved to Alaska….those are the trees there. They had to bring in Christmas trees from Washington AND THE PRICES WERE IUT IF SIRE BECAUSE OF THE DELIVERY COSTS….NEEDLESS TO SAY….WE GOT A RATHER SMALL TREE RHAR YEAR …Then moved back to California the next year😊❤

  12. You are inspiration for all of us and you have such amazing garden! Question- In 7:34 that hedge do not look great and seems like it ends in middle of your gorgeous flower bed, would you consider to take it out (that part that lines up with your driveway) and plant something amazing there instead? Like you just planted that Alaskan Cedar. ❤💚

  13. At first I thought the roses must be thornless because I didn’t see you wearing gloves then I see gloves! Lol I was thinking yep, she learned her lesson. Those limelight hydrangeas will look gorgeous in a long row once they are filled in, you won’t notice anything being off . I love hibiscus and have several different colors, it will look pretty out there but needs some friends. Maybe a hedge of them in different colors would like beautiful.
    I would like to see you give Samanatha and Benjamin both a 6 pack of plants and take them out to the dirt lands and let them plant them with absolutely no help from parents. ???
    Let them gather what they need like shovel, fertilizer etc. Let’s see how much they know and have learned from momma???????? I think that would be a awesome video to watch!! 🫶🙌👀🧑👧🌺🌸

  14. So happy that you finally got your weeping Alaskan Cedar. It is beautiful and I would like to get one for myself. I'll have to start looking around for one. So precious to see you and Aaron step back from digging the hole for the hibiscus and let Benjamin and Samantha dig some too. Your kids are the best and so cute. The hydrangea will all flow together when they spread out later and bloom and you'll never know that some are not planted exactly the same distance apart. Loved your video overall. God bless you in all that you do.

  15. I’m going to plant some flowers plants tomorrow in my front house garden, how should I start with the dirt, what tools or soil should I be putting since I’m a beginner. Thanks

  16. Laura, I love how excited you are to plant, it's not quite time to plant in ne okla. But im itching to plant. I got I seeds this year, to see if I can grow. Plus my annals and I going to yet a hibiscus seen. Thank you for sharing this with us.

  17. Alaskan Cedar is such a beautiful tree! So unique.Can't wait to see all the limelights in bloom. It's going to be gorgeous!

  18. Do you mind sharing where you are, I looked up “about you” but couldn’t find that information, it just helps me understand if certain plants/trees can survive where I am. We are also in high desert but we get a lot of freezing temperatures & snow. What grows in our city, doesn’t always grow in my immediate area at higher elevation. Thanks

  19. Have you heard about imposed water restrictions on small farms in Oregon yet? I did yesterday. OREGON URGENTLY SHUTS DOWN SMALL FARMS EN MASSE “To Protect The People." Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=unOXcKigSuY. This will include 1/2 acre plots on up–even those just growing blueberries, or raising chickens. Perhaps we can all support gardeners and homesteaders who have received notices so far. The first court case fighting this was filed earlier this year. I would hate for this to happen to you. The above link will give you all the information.

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