@Kaye Kittrell

Kaye Kittrell: FANTASTIC NEWS! Justice Prevails!


  1. Am I understanding this correctly? You want passenger jets to fly slower and lower above the population where there is less of a chance for condensation to occur? Wow, just Wow!

  2. Look up people! This tennessean is supporting this bill. Every single rain we get here is preceded by two days of straight lines across the skies all over. THEY ARE SPRAYING ALL THE TIME IN MIDDLE TN! Then telling me I'm affecting the environment. Smart observant folks have known this for decades, some of us remember the nature of a real contrail from the 60s and 70s. They all go away in 15 minutes. They never go away today, if you woukd just look up and think for yourself and not believe everything google and msnbc tells you lol.

  3. That hat's made out of tin foil isn't it?! Tell me you failed science without telling me you failed science!!!😂🤣😂🤣 Please for the love of all things holy Tell me this is a parody!!!

  4. This is cooky. Water vapor from combustion of fuel at high altitude turns to cloud like exhaust. There is no spraying of chemicals at high altitude.

    This person has probably used pesticides on their lawn. Which might have an actual impact on the world… especially if it hurts bees.

    What will airplanes do? Stop flying over Tennessee to avoid water vapor causing ice crystals clouds… condensation trails are not dangerous.

  5. I dont think the government is beyond secretly testing/poisoning unsuspecting Americans ( Tuskegee Experiment) but even if chemtrails turned out to be real, it would continue to be done in secret. Secret Government Operations dont abide by laws. How could the passing of a bill regulate and enforce something being done in complete secrecy and was never admitted to in the first place.

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