@Roots and Refuge Farm

Roots and Refuge Farm: Why did no one tell me? (A time-rich day) | VLOG

– Greenstalk Vertical Gardens (Basket Style Planters on sale for three days. Use code “ROOTS10” for $10 off your order): https://greenstalkgarden.com/?rstr=ROOTS10

Hey ya’ll, I’m Jess from Roots & Refuge Farm

Welcome to a place that feels like home. A small farm with a big family. We hope you’ll pull up a chair, grab some coffee and visit awhile.

There was a time that all I wanted in the world was a little farm where I could raise my family and grow our food. Now, that is exactly what exists outside my door. In watching it unfold, a new dream was formed in my heart – to share this beautiful life with others and teach them the lessons we’ve learned along the way. Welcome to our journey, friend. I am so glad you’re here.


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  1. I couldn’t even read the Bible through in one year when my church was doing that! I kept the check off list of all the chapters and finished it in two years. I felt like I was rushing too much to check it off the to do list and not really meditating on it like I needed to.

  2. When you said "as a mama that nursed 5 babies", I only had and nursed two, but I remember milk dripping from me if I went even the slightest bit past feeding time. LOL ( my 1st baby turns 50 this year and m youngest 47. So tell me how fast it goes. Ack!)

  3. I started on the 90 day challenge and I got to Psalms and just couldn't go any further. I can't get through the Psalms that much at a time. Since then I've been taking a book at a time. I just finished Danial. I'm not doing them in order. LOL Rebel that I am.

  4. Since the war started here, we formed a group of women to read the Torah in Hebrew and in English together via video chat for 15 minutes every morning, except Shabbat (when we don't use electronics). We read commentary along the way if a word or concept stands out to one of us. However, we are mindful of our time in order to keep up with the weekly portion according to the universal Jewish calendar. Our commitment to the group has really helped in staying consistent and has definitely enriched the Rabbi's weekly homily in synagogue. So, that's my suggestion on keeping a good pace: read aloud together with a buddy and set mini-milestones as you go. You got this! 💪🏻💕

  5. Love that Greenstalk.
    Shipping to Canada is too much to get one though!
    I’m waiting for a Canada outlet

  6. Sweet Jess, Kids grow in a blink of an eye. My step kids all are in their 30's, and 40's. Each of them have kids. And one has grand kids, making my husband, and I great grand parents. I have 1 biological son, whose 31, not married, and doesn't have kids. He lives on our farm and helps with the difficult stuff. When he's not working fulltime as a diesel tractor mechanic for JD, and he's a volunteer fireman. I'm happy to see all my kids grow up, and become successful in life. I just wish time stood still just for a little while.

    I wanted to ask you a question. I picked up on sale 2 packages if Elephant Ear bulbs. My plan is to put 2 bulbs in the extremely large pots on each side of our front steps. Do you, or tour followers have suggestions on a tyoe of flower(s) I could plant in the same pot. The area has full sun most of the day.

  7. I can completely attest to the fact that it goes by fast! My baby turned 21 on Sunday. I feel like just yesterday she was just a little baby. I was blessed to get to homeschool her so I am so glad I had that extra time. The one piece of advice I have to new moms is to cherish every moment. The days can feel long but the years are oh so short! 😢

  8. Your children grow up fast but your grandchildren grow up even faster. Just prepare yourself for that. I look forward to your videos.

  9. I'm copying the Bible it helps me slow down and I started Genesis at the first of the year ….I'm at Genesis 36 today…

  10. If you are wanting an awesome and very informative year-long study of the Bible, look into the Bible recap! I started in January and have learned more in a few short months than I have in my entire life. You can get as involved as you want. There are many ways to do it. I literally read the chapters for the day and watch a 5-7 minute video that recaps what I read. It's awesome!

  11. Lol 😂90 days I hear you, I couldn’t do it. I actually listen to the bible because reading it puts me to sleep. I can play back the verses and take notes as I listen to it. Some would say listening is cheating, but most people were illiterate and only few could read a hundred plus years ago. So most of our ancestors used the oral tradition to learning it. Not cheating in my books.
    Love to get more Greenstalk planters but they are expensive to ship across the border into Canada. We finally have distributors here. Their prices include the international shipping costs which is understandable, but a sale is hard to find. I’m going to have to take a vacation and go to the US to pick up a couple and stay long enough so the duty is covered. No free trade on this product for the common man or woman ….only a corporation gets a break. Something is wrong with this system.

  12. Yes it goes fast and once you start getting grandchildren they grow up even faster enjoy each moment you have.

  13. The first time I read the Bible through I listed the books of the Bible in order of the number of chapters starting with the least. Starting with Genesis didn't work for me.
    Obadiah 1
    Philemon 1
    2 John 1
    3 John 1
    Jude 1
    Haggai 2
    Joel 3
    Nahum 3
    Habakkuk 3
    Zephaniah 3
    2 Thessalonians 3
    Titus 3
    2 Peter 3
    Ruth 4
    Jonah 4
    Malachi 4
    Philippians 4
    Colossians 4
    2 Timothy 4
    Lamentations 5
    1 Thessalonians 5
    James 5
    1 Peter 5
    1 John 5
    Galatians 6
    Ephesians 6
    1 Timothy 6
    Micah 7
    Song of Solomon 8
    Amos 9
    Ezra 10
    Esther 10
    Ecclesiastes 12
    Daniel 12
    Nehemiah 13
    2 Corinthians 13
    Hebrews 13
    Hosea 14
    Zechariah 14
    Mark 16
    Romans 16
    1 Corinthians 16
    Judges 21
    John 21
    1 Kings 22
    Joshua 24
    2 Samuel 24
    Luke 24
    2 Kings 25
    Leviticus 27
    Matthew 28
    Acts 28
    1 Chronicles 29
    1 Samuel 31
    Proverbs 31
    Deuteronomy 34
    Numbers 36
    2 Chronicles 36
    Exodus 40
    Job 42
    Ezekiel 48
    Genesis 50
    Jeremiah 52
    Isaiah 66
    Psalms 150

  14. I ❤ the basket look and maple color! I have so many Greenstalks that when I told my husband he gave me ‘that look’. 😂 He’s replacing the last section of the tea garden fence in April and moving a raised bed the same week while he’s on spring break. There’s always a project happening, but such is this wonderful life! 😊

  15. I read the Bible 30 years ago. I think it took 6 months. I'm re-reading it now. I'm way more than 90 days in and only in deuteronomy. However, I'm a life long non believer.

  16. Thanks for the time with the goats. They are some of my favorite people. Jess, it's not too soon or too late, in fact it's the perfect time to start praying for your kids spouses, wherever they are. Sioux and I had no sons, but when our girls were small, we lifted those young men up in prayer. We didn't know if at the right time they would choose to marry or not, but it worked with our faith. We have the two most precious son-in-laws anyone could ever get and we know that God was in their choosing. They are good husbands and fathers and both couples have been married over 20 years. And yes, the time does fly.

  17. I really really wish that Greenstalk sold in the u.k. We have equivalents but nothing that matches in terms of watering and quality

  18. Your right,they grow so quick,my eldest grandbaby is a teen now..how did that even happen? So grateful for the years i was home working,farming ,being mum..though it didnt last,after divorce i was working 5 jobs to keep us housed and keep their animals..i miseed so much! Grateful for any minute i get with the grandchildren.

  19. I feel your emotions. My baby is graduating this may also and my oldest has already married and given me two beautiful grandbabies. A boy and a girl. Perfect!!! I cant believe how fast it has gone by either😢

  20. I think it's good to read the Bible slowly so that you can digest the meaning and find the spiritual deeper meaning. That's how I feel anyway. Having a greenstock would be fun.

  21. That's awesome! I'm the same way reading the Bible, I just have to think and ponder and cross check and study and pray lol. I started a reading plan last year and had to let them go ahead. It's almost a year later and I'm halfway through Isaiah. But I've pressed in and kept going and it's been awesome.

  22. I love all the things you spoke about but kept thinking….I love her hair natural and a bit wild. Seriously. Keep the mane.

  23. Well, who would want to read the Bible that fast anyway. That’s like skimming the top of the water instead of going swimming how odd. Good for you for taking an interest in what you’re reading for heaven sakes.

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