Edible Gardening

A week on our regenerative farm & homestead in Portugal

Here is a quick insight into our past week on the farm. What we seeded, planted and cooked one day for lunch. We walk around the farm and have a look at all the life on the farm, the sheep, the meat birds and our tadpoles. It might be the sun and the feeling of spring, whatever it is… we are in high spirits.

The recipe will be up on the website next week!


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Hope you enjoy this homestead vlog episode.

Welcome to our Channel we are Sophie and Philip two professional chefs and regenerative Farmers currently we are setting up our second regenerative Farm in Portugal on this channel we take you along on the Farm’s development and we show you how we grow cook and preserve nutrient-dense regeneratively grown food

In a time where the food we’re eating is literally killing us the most powerful and impactful action one could take is to consume clean and delicious food let’s grow it let’s cook it let’s do it hi guys it’s a beautiful day today and Philipe saw the most beautiful

Rainbow yesterday because it was very rainy yesterday and then we had the most amazing rainbow that I’ve ever seen so this morning we’re going to go around on the farm and do a little walk check everything out because the weather’s so great and it’s just a nice way to

Recharge and also to have a little inspection see how all the trees are doing and just check on our lamb of course our little new bundle of joy who is doing absolutely wonderful and um yeah see what work lies ahead Garden looks great F did a little bit of

Weeding let’s check on these Tod poles there’s so many Philip it’s insane there’s just so many of them this means that it’s very very healthy here this is such a great discovery have a little look see how mama and baby are doing hello hi hi a pig has entered the

Premises look what we found here yeah somebody here went under here strip grazing net and it’s laying here on the floor looking very sad that was maybe what the dogs were barking at because in the middle of the night the dogs weren’t ballistic I knew because the net was

Open yeah really didn’t the number it just went through must have been an exciting night for the ladies yeah beautiful morning middle February we’re going to plant some early potatoes I’m also going to clean a bed and blend some radishes last year we planted just two small beds of potatoes and had to

Harvest early due to a fungal infection we therefore are planting them in the big Garden this year where there is much more wind coming through we’re planting a total of 120 plants in three different beds and we’re spacing them 40 cm apart this variety is called red Rosie

And is commonly grown in this area we got these seed potatoes from a neighbor who stored them from last year’s Harvest potatoes like loose and fertile soil and should not be watered until the leaves start coming through so we are eagerly waiting to see their heads pop out of the

Soil three rows of potatoes are done now I’m going to come inside of the greenhouse and I’m going to clean this bed of C rabis that’s almost done and we’re going to interplant some radishes and in the end of the bed I have some free space I’m going to blend the small

Radishes either going to come the dyons and in the end the small radishes going to clean it prepare it the dyons the radishes so a few days ago I found a little bag of old seeds that said artishock Imperial Star and the valid date was from 18 I think so we’re 24 now

It’s 6 years I decided let’s let’s see if there’s anything coming up and surprise surprise look at these things show you look at these things so some of the seats still survive I’m going to fast transplanted to bigger Parts we’re going to have 2018 Imperial Star arti shs strong pin routin

Now that everything is seated let’s go into the tunnel and have a look at our seedlings probably will come more look at that the J came up all right the plants look amazing I’m going to thin them out because there’s too many plants in one pot and this year

We really want one plant one pot we’re going to start with the beetroots and then we’re going to go to the salads we’re going to go to the charts and we’re going to go to nothing else that’s it beetroots and chard have the wonderful capacity to sprout multiple

Plants from one seed pot we however find that thinning them out yields bigger and better beetroots looks like something so guys this experiment has 21 days give it a and we can see already a big difference these tomatoes on the tray they are actually looking for light a little bit

They’re a little bit lagged but besides that they are curling already the the leaves are start to curl a little bit so this means that they are not comfortable where they are right now we have to transplant them but if you look closely to this tomatoes and these

Ones that are on the bed you can see that there’s already a big difference these tomatoes are already triple the size big leaves big green you can see that they are they want to grow you know and they are able to grow this ones already stagnated so next thing to do is

Transplant them and we will keep with the experiment and we’ll tell you what’s going on okay let’s go eat I’m hungry so this is reality of Homestead life I have got this pumpkin I’ve got a few pumpkins over here that are starting to go off I just went to get them I

Looked at our batch of pumpkins and I saw that a few of them are really starting to rot now this is something that a lot of people struggle with which is the correct storing of your food depending on where you live and how humid and how hot and how cold it gets

This can be real tricky now we’ve got a few wonderful episodes coming up because we’re going to actually have a very big Bantry Remodel and we’re still figuring out how we’re going to create a really good cold storage so people that are living in central Portugal and maybe

Already already have great Solutions hit me up comment below I’m very curious to know what you guys are doing I’m very excited about the pantry Remodel and um yeah more on that in the future for now let me show you what I do with food that

Is starting to go off and I’m going to show you one of my favorite pumpkin recipes which is super quick super simple and super creamy so let’s do it you see this one it’s really going off done we’re going for a generous amount of oil here so don’t be

Squeamish so what I’m going to do now is I’ve actually moved it to a higher flame I’m going to give the bottom layer a good fry so it gets color I know it’s tempting to stir but don’t now I’m going to make a little hole I’m going to pop my garlic in

There I’m going to add the human to De glaze it’s a bit better to use a non-metal spoon cuz you don’t really want to scrape the bottom making sure all that nice color is off the bottom and into the soup and put on the lid boom so yes this is definitely there no

Resistance turn off the heat of course a very strong blender is definitely what you’ll need to make this soup super smooth and creamy but my other secret ingredient and technique is that I’m going to add a bit of oil during the blitzing at the end so first I’m going

To zip this all up and emulsify it as much as I can not too much all right so now that is done it looks creamy it smells delicious I’m just going to give it a quick taste to see if the salt level is good but I’m assuming it is

Because it smells like it is and then time to serveo e all right I have myself a big bag of free stuff I got this from Philips grandmother’s Garden who lives across the road so that’s a really wonderful way to fill up your herb garden everything here is looking very Lush but

You can just never have enough when and doubt just plant a little more so I really want to create create a beautiful green and colorful Paradise to hug our house I want to see green and I want to see yellow and purple and blue and I want to have medicinal plants and edible

You know edible herbs of course just culinary herbs and I also want to have a lot of beautiful ornamentals which is sort of uned territory for me I don’t really know a lot of ornamental plants like I can’t recognize them so I actually have some things in here that

I’m not even sure of what they are I just like the way that they looked in her garden um I’m going to have to identify those so I’ll use blend app for that later and I’ve got this spoon with me because I’m simply too lazy to walk

Down to get the actual shovel but um yeah let’s plant some stuff so I think that this is an aloe vera or at least one of those types I’m going to check out later if I’m absolutely right about that but this definitely looks like an aloe vera to me I have this beautiful

Mint type of plant that Philip’s mother just brought me and she told me that in Portuguese Cuisine this is actually used to take gas gases um prevent gassiness from happening when you’re eating a lot of dishes that are very heavy with pulses and beans and stuff so apparently

Uh in Portuguese Cuisine you have quite a lot of those dishes and if you add a bit of this or even eat it raw on the side of that dish or after you’re going to get a lot less swelling in your gut in your intestines so that’s a great

Thing to have and I’m going to add that to our little mint section then I have these ornamentals these all make beautiful flowers I have no idea what they’re called then what do I have more here another few of those that are different like they look very similar but they have different

Flowers then got myself sprig of rosemary here I’ve got some citronella so this is basically lemon uh Kum citrun Kum in Dutch and I will look up the English translation as well few more of those I’ve I’ve toen I’ve taken quite a lot of this because this is a great great repellent for

Insects especially mosquitoes so you can make your own um anti-bg sprays and stuff with this stuff which is really great I have a lot of this margarine and then I also have some lemon balm over here I have both of these already so what I’m planning to do with these is

I’m going to individually propagate them down in the tunnel and then I’m going to have about 10 or 15 pots and I might either sell them or maybe I’ll just replant them in other spaces on the farm because I just like the idea of spreading spreading is much medicinal

And culinary herbs all around this place so that if you’re on a little walk you’re like oh well this will be great at dinner tonight then I have this beautiful cacti likee um succulent which is making these insane pink flowers I don’t know if you can tell from here but

Uh this is a sort of um I would to say a hanging plant so I might put this somewhere above a rock and then have it grow down interesting I’m going to look up the name of that as well basically I won’t be naming anything except for the

Culinary herbs because I’m not really sure what they all are here’s the sage I was mentioning earlier another one of these asteris like plants and then I’ve got myself a lot more lemongrass because I’ve decided that our lemongrass over there suffered a bit with the cold and

We’re going to fill up that patch and make it a little bit more densely populated and I might plant one or two other ones in a different a to see if they do better there so this aloe vera type I’m having a little bit of difficulty finding a great

Spot for it because this is going to become quite big so we’re thinking about making a nice row alongside the driveway and until we get to do that because that probably won’t be today I’m putting it in this pot right here so that it can establish itself and then we can just

Transplant it its desired spot so thisum I’m going to put it close here because we’re sitting here a lot of times for you know lunches and dinners and since this has a very strong insect repellent quality I think the best location is close to where we’re sitting

I like so you know that this is one of my biggest Pleasures I already told you this s it’s when we do these things together like planting together actually working on the F directly together yeah me too and on that wonderful Declaration of love we are concluding this episode see

You on the next one farming chefs peace out


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