Garden Plans

Garden plans 2024 part 1

#gardenplans, #garden, #blackberryrockhomestead

I’m Going to Share some ideas about each area of my garden ( my gardan has lots of different areas)

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Good Wy morning to everyone uh this is before the winter storm again this time in the later on this evening early in the morning we are as when I’m filming this we are supposed to receive freezing rain but I thought I’d come out here and do a little videoing and tell you my

Plans for a couple areas that I have as a right now it may change just FYI so I am going to tell you the plan for Coco’s corners and Coco’s Annex and then the Oasis over there so Coco’s Corners I have already mapped

Out uh in my brain what I want to do I know this has mint in it and I’m going to clean these two tubs out and they will be I will be adding more dirt and I will be putting tomatoes in there again uh the big tire I’m not 100% on

That I may put tomatoes in there I like I said I’m not a 100% I know there are daffodils around there uh planted um but I have an idea for my potatoes this year um and stay tuned for that I watched the video and I want to

Why to see if that works I don’t know um so and then this last tub has mint mojito mint in it and like I said I need to clean all this mess up and I’m sorry about uh it is January the end of January um and it’s been super super

Duper code and I haven’t been able to come out here and clean this area um I know there’s a Rosa Sharon planted and there’s a daffodil I mean a dayy and I know there are some daffodils planted in this bed I’m I’m not 100% on this bed I may plant

Some uh bush beans along the side here uh because the goats that is our goats pin so and then over here let me move this and there’s another Ros of Sharon and there are what I call ditch lies or orange flow along here I have asparagus planted here and then asparagus is

Planted there and I know I need to clean the beds out uh we are now in Coco’s Annex um I’m planning on putting a fruit tree right there uh and I know I did plant last year some asparagus along this bed in this bed and chocolate mint is planted

There so now onto here I haven’t really fully mapped out this area yet I know there are two Blackberry briers here thornless I may move them I may not um I’m not 100% what I have planned for that area um but I know there will be

Another fruit tree here and this will be my new orchard right in front of the garage and walking into the oasis I’m planting on if I don’t move this panel I’m planning on um growing some beans uh po beans or growing the uh yard long

Beans I grew them here last year um they did okay uh this bed right here has irises in the back and and then there is a lilac bush I may plant a cucumber in there and put a couple deal and of course more flowers that is definitely a must

Um here is this sour like the pie cherry plant tree that I planted I do have a couple more pot three more pots and I don’t know 100% what I’m going to grow in there I know I’m going to grow something in that bed up in front of it

Um there’s tire is not completely full I may grow potatoes and then I still have this swimming pool I need to fill up and I know I’m planning on planting a sweet cherry tree right there and I know I do have this bed is not along here is not fully completely

Full it does have lemon balm in it and it has some irises and there is a tiger lily up here and another plant that should come back up as well and then and of course the O Aces I’m planning on putting a couple beds in

Here as well but not right now uh I’ve got the little tree things down um once I get the trees planted there and I got it pretty much all the grass died around there I will add more stuff but there is a rubar plant right there and I like to

Put one right there but I’m not 100% if that will work so that is for this area Coco Corners Annex uh the oases and the new Orchard area so hopefully in this new Orchard area there won’t be nobody spraying here so that is it for now so everyone have a very blessed day


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