Gardening Supplies


Link tree

Sunglass holder

Ace Pro Insta 360

#christmas #holidaygifts #giftideas
I am Helen- mother, Creative Entrepreneur, Vlogger, and plant-based foodie Enthusiast. I am a lover of clean lines, Black & White everything and I enjoy cruising.I love home decor, and dark roast coffee. By the grace of God, i’m living with intention.

Check out my fragrance/ Vlog channel: :

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INSTAGRAM: @H2Plantbasedbeauty


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Health and wellness

Fitness Amazon haul

FTC Disclaimer: THIS VIDEO IS NOT SPONSORED. Sometimes I am lucky enough to receive products from brands as PR or to review but the opinions will always be my own. I will not create a video for a product that I do not believe in. Some links may be affiliate links. I appreciate your support for my channel. Some affiliate links are used, which means I may receive a commission should you decide to click that link and make a purchase. My content is 100% not influenced by brands. This is my opinion.

Wo hey y’all what’s up welcome back so I just finished filming uh for Penelope’s room we had to put a vanity together for her and I’m about to do a vlog with you all today if you all don’t mind this is probably the last time I will like Vlog

On like my phone camera I am ordering like one of those little go cameras I think it’s Ace Pro Acer Pro Ace Pro insta 360 something like that I’m going to order that and just use that from now on but um I have to learn how to use it

First and my big camera is actually charging the battery is charging and I’m uploading some footage that I need to get to a company so okay so I’ve been doing this 50 days before 50 challenge I created for myself and it’s basically just trying to do something

Different than I’ve been doing you know I get up in the morning morning already at 5:00 and it’s like I’m I’m up so if I’m up let’s do something about being up let’s let’s be productive within the first hour what can I do to be productive within the first hour of me

Getting up so because the kids are out of school my productivity has been getting up going to gym so today’s day five of me getting up at 5: in the morning going to the gym I uploaded a real to show you like a five minute let show you like my 5:00 a.m. routine

Basically I get up get some clothes on Let the Dogs Out either it’s a shot of like ginger turmeric orange or like a shot of espresso just something to kind of give me some water head to the gym so this morning Chris asked if he can go with me

To the gym this morning so he went to the gym with me he worked out he is knocked out sleep right now I work this butt out anyway uh he enjoyed it though he really enjoyed it he asked for that to be part of his 12 Days of Christmas and it was

So that’s what he got today along with like some other little stuff or whatever but he’s planning on spending time with his dad basically the rest of the week then I’ll catch back up with him on Christmas Eve and then he’ll go back Christmas Eve night so he can wake up

And do Christmas with them today I mean this year so that’s cool so I’m going to go ahead and get two more things for his um to compensate for like Friday and Saturday no Saturday and Sunday because he won’t wake up I mean Sunday right so

He wakes up on Saturday wakes up on Sunday as dad’s he’ll go ahead and just have his two like Christmas 12 Days of Christmas gifts because I don’t have everything for him I told you it was easier to get the girl stuff because uh Penny got the vanity and that was like

The book of her 12 days anyway and then Tara got the Marc Jacob back that was the book you know kind of thing so yeah but Christopher got a electric bike I mean basically my kids don’t want to need anything but he did ask for the gym

Membership so we’ll see how that goes if he really wants to join the gym I’ve already talked to them about it it won’t be an extra $10 a month we can swing it you know what I mean so we might do that but I’ve been doing so much let me put

My car in par I’ve been doing so much like sitting and thinking sitting and thinking what do I want 2024 to look like like what in my wildest strengths that I think isn’t possible I want to put it out there and make it possible for me I feel like I’m

So good at manifesting everything and all things that’s great for me and my children I feel like favor has been granted upon me so much in the last couple years even though I’ve been through I feel like hell in high water I feel like I’ve been through a lot with

Grieving with car accident with u Financial issues with just getting my my girls on point with you know that teenage stuff they’ be going through I feel like we’ve been through so much and yet we’re still here everything’s still good and great right and things always end up coming back around and turn

Around for us right and I put something in my mind to manifest and then I just let it go and I just find myself working on other things right and then that one thing would manifest itself and I’ll be like whoa and it’s happened like this all

Year all year and so we all know I started November with um changing and creating new habits for myself and I did the same thing this year I started working out more focusing on skin care tightening skin juicing um not just doing the seos but also being more cognizant of keeping up

With my probiotics right putting more prebiotics in my body whether that’s by way of like garlic and onions or whatever thing right I’ve been more cognizant of what I say when I speak and who I’m speaking to more conent of people who are around me who are allowing in my space

And I try my best to not tell myself I can’t do that or or yeah so I see things that I know it’s hard to do but I never tell myself oh that’s going to be hard I ain’t going to be able to do it now I say man that look

Like a challenge I’m up for it I do that now so that way if I fail at least I tried but I’m not going to fail or succeed if I don’t try so um it’s been good I’ve been feeling good I have so much energy I don’t know what’s going on

With me but I have so much energy yesterday I worked out got up did my little 5 a.m. routine went to the gym yesterday was leg day today was arm day so we’re going to feel this tomorrow but I came home and was like okay this week

Starts a week for me Clean cleaning and cleansing but it’s not it’s for my home and my space face so we started with the garage we took everything out the garage it was a hot funky mess I you know with half the crap was it’s in there and we

Just took everything out late in the driveway and categories like we always do like during spring and I was like okay we’re not waiting for spring or summer to do this we doing this for fall and winter we about to donate some stuff that we have that we no longer need

Which was like a bike I had which a mountain bike which was expensive but I don’t ride it the girls don’t like it they think it’s too like with that bar they don’t like it Chris already had one and I was like well it’s donated but on the little neighborhood app was like

Hey I got a very expensive bike here I don’t want it I got a electric bike now who needs it the guy pulled up and was like thank you Jesus thank you Jesus I was like this feels so good sir you can have this bike he was like can I pay you

For it no you cannot you can have this bike so I gave him a bitee we got rid of Penny’s bike and he needed some work done but somebody could you know do a little something to it and we just started making room with do all the

Cabinets clean out my like my cabinet where house the puppy stuff the dog stuff whatever gardening supplies all my tools and my uh car supplies now my tools we had so many tools from when my dad passed he just gave me so much stuff I’m not trying to build a house and

Really truly I I I rather have a husband that can build than me building myself it is what it is all right y’all I don’t mind putting some stuff together screwing a few little things but I I’m I get overwhelmed with some of that stuff

And I’m overdoing it I just want to be in my soft feminine self in 2024 I want to let go of some of this this exterior I got going on and I just want to I want to step away from building things uh I don’t mind putting some shelves together and little stuff

But I don’t know I like doing it but I don’t want to do it sometimes I just have to right especially with the garden with gardening so I got rid of a lot of tools I kept like my drills and stuff as very important like the basic tools all

My soccer wrenches and whatever stuff that most of wom probably have anyway I kept a lot of that a saw I like a little hand saw but I yeah a lot of this other stuff I kind of donated some stuff and then I went through and my driveway

Was full of stuff and I just started loading up my car dropping all stuff a Goodwill loaded my car dropped off some stuff at the women’s shelter and it feels so good so now we have this clean space in my garage and the big um treadmill that I purchased from Amazon I

Think it was like $300 something dollars at the time I did the little five Monon payment thing I’m donating that to my sister sister she’s been asking for it so I’m like here girl it folds up and everything so that way when the we don’t have really good weather she likes to

Walk every morning if you follow her on Instagram you see her she always posting good morning I’m getting my workout happy hump day I’m on my work so I told her you know she can have it and the kids like the smaller one I don’t know

Why but they use that more so I was like okay let’s get rid of some of this stuff because I really want the the gym set up where you do the pull-ups and you can put like the weights on for like bench press and stuff I want the squat machine

I want all that but it’s kind of it’s it’ll take up the space where the treadmill is so I’m going to go ahead and get up to her and focus on getting that allinone body thing I want to put there or maybe one day I mean I might get pick chosen to work

With the allinone mirror y’all know the workout mirror y’all seen it on Instagram y’all SE it on YouTube I applied for it I was denied but I mean I’m G apply again I’m not going to quit applying okay but I would love to have it all in one gym anyway out there it’s

Out there put it out there we’re going to walk away from it and let it just it’s going to float to it whoever needs to get to it’s going to come back we we’re good we going to get that but anyway my garage is clean we did the

Floors everything’s good I’m happy now and I decided I want to buy my garage I always do this in Spring and cuz we get like we in Texas for now we don’t get the big cockroaches because we don’t have the big trees in my area like some

Other like areas like we used to live in like the oak trees or whatever but we do get little bitty like spiders and little bitty bugs here and there in the Gar so I like to keep my garage clean this is why I try to keep it like clean out and

Not cluttered and I don’t like boxes or like those wicker baskets because they will attract them and I noticed the guy came and sprayed next door and I was like oh you go have that run for next door to this door so I was like I got to

Buy my garage well if I do that it’s connected to my washroom when we come in from the garage goes to the washroom on the left side and the Pantry’s here well I said let’s empty the pantry we emptied the pantry we took everything out and we closed off the pantry door to

The kitchen we bombed the pantry and we left the door open to the garage and bomb the garage yesterday so we did that let it settled cleaned it up good and we put everything back we also filled some containers that were empty and I put some stuff on the shelves in the pantry

The pantry looks really good right now it’s clean it’s organized it’s ready to go for the new year it’s just me cutting in in the middle of this video so after cleaning out my pantry and doing the bombing thing and wiping everything down put everything back I noticed I still

Had a few containers that I had planned on at the beginning of the year switching out to Glass so I still have just like a few of these oxos left to switch over to glass I haven’t done it yet but I will be hopefully switching everything over to like these bald jar

Glass um containers I really like these I bought these I think last year or beginning year maybe it’s last year and I was kind of skeptical because of the pricing but it locks the air in it keeps everything out marster whatever and I really did enjoy these so I got these on

Sale at Target if they go back on sale I’ll be getting them again wherever I can find them they’re more expensive on Amazon but but these ball jars with this they do come in this size a little shorter size pip all that but I like these So eventually all these ones that

You see that are Oxo containers will be moved over in 2024 to Glass I’m trying to get glass in my life as much as I can now the ones that are like this these snack ones I ain’t tripping on they food is not in there long enough for me to

Care but the ones that have like my almond flour my coconut flour I plan on cooking and baking more next year I have some plans for some things I’m not sure about the recipe book that y’all keep telling me about that I supposed to be

Making but it’s on the wish list it’s on the manifestation list okay and I would like for certain products to be in glass jar so I’m going to work on that I just know it’s kind of expensive and just buying little big things like at a time

Like this I wish these were Slimmer and I wish I had these like this and just a Slimmer whatever cuz the these suction too like these are really good I like those too they was just five bucks in Target uh one spot at one point so

Yeah I like these two where we have our grit palenta oatmeal granola all that kind of stuff so I’m liking so far of how it feels in here I did I do this shelving over here but it’s nothing really over here I got rid of all the extra like blenders we had the

Juicers and we’re just basically left with hardly nothing over here I just got to figure out what I want to do with what’s over here it’s only a few items but let me show you I still have a shelf but it’s only a it’s only a few items

Like I’m keeping the AMZ shelf that’s Christopher’s the bread maker is way too so small do anything with this is my Nespresso I’m keeping that I just bought these glasses like this is stuff for Hydroponics so this part hasn’t really been cleaned up I’m about to toss this

As soon as I get me a really nice food processor that’s trash and um yeah down here induction and rice cooker pressure cooker all the things but we also have our indoor grill here so we still have some stuff but at one point remember this whole shf was filled with

Appliances got rid of a ton so it feels really light and aery in here so yep next we’re going to work on the kitchen we just decluttered our kitchen like what four or five months ago so nothing to get rid of in the kitchen we

Need to focus on just wiping out all the cabinets cleaning down everything bombing the kitchen real good we’ll probably put the dogs out for like a day or so and then we’ll just head out for a while and then that bombing area will is because everything’s open it’ll just

Bomb the kitchen low area right and we’re good to go we don’t really see we saw ants in the bathroom upstairs and the girls bathroom I think it’s cuz they were using like brown sugar and stuff for scrubs I don’t know where they come from but we’re in Texas so we already

Know between roaches and and ants and a girl you never know what you might find so I try to keep my house bombed so we don’t have that issue woo not on wood so we’re we working on that this week but my goal is to have the house bombs and

Just at least clean it don’t have to be that deep cleaning before we go into the new year so that’s what we working on Penny room looks amazing T room is still clean and and she went towards that minimalist kind of like room I’m going to take youall with me we’re going to

Find Christopher a speaker preferably JBL it’s kind of expensive we G to find one and I don’t know what else his extra gift would be Wing Stop girl I can’t find Wing Stop gift cards we’re going to find him some gift cards and he wants a new leather basketball maybe we get a

Basketball something else I’m so be doing and I got to get this stuff for my sister’s birth my sister’s Christmas party our Christmas party so let’s go see y’all in the stores all right so I’m back home it was so crowded out there I really didn’t want to film with all

Those people out there but I did pick up some of these cupcakes with these gingerbread mint on it I fig the kids could appreciate that today just a little something for them and I got them some wings for them to cook and let me show you what I picked up in the

Stores real quick I went to Ross and I saw a couple pair of tennis shoes I’ll put the picture here one pair but I was trying to see if Christopher wanted them but I I think he really is in 11 and half almost 12 so I think they was going to be too

Small I left them but I end up getting these and said I got these from me um the girl shoes were ordered online so what’s this one girl is that end up getting these I need some All Blacks and these are um Adidas with the sued on

Them so when I’m wearing like you know all back like today with my joggers and my my tar top I can just wear these and these were I don’t know how much they are online I want to say they were one something online um yeah they were at Ros for 44

I’ve been finding like deals like this but there some comfy tenis shoes to wear with all black I also um I had a order that came in this is like one of the gifts I think from my sister yeah actually that’s cute it come in a box like this the prob leaving a

Box like this and throw it in the bag right okay she’s been buying Tom Ford glasses lately sunglasses so I thought this would be cute when we travel we buy a bunch of chees from Amazon when we travel so I fig she would appreciate this has this little handle like

That I’ll link it down below if you’re interested it’s from Amazon and you snap it like this I have a I have one just like it folds open like this and you just put your sunglasses here not anything that’s like really oversized it does come with a cleaning cloth but um

Yeah that way she can take her C little travel glasses we have something planned around my birthday so that’ll be cute for her and then I’m put all this back and I’ll put this in her bag they like cigars I just got them a few um one second since Christopher

Won’t be here um tomorrow I got him some 8 lb weights why you feel so heavy for 8 lb that’s how that’s how much it weigh I know it feel heavy but yeah I need 10 lb that’s what you need to do you need to do

This yeah that’s going to be this muscle right here need this muscle mhm yeah you’re welcome what of those c yeah you do it oh I don’t know how you look that up all right so I got some little tags so we can do the same thing we did last

Year with the chocolate marshmallow situation twist them up like this for the party I’m going to make those too if I make them today I’m not going to make them today I’ll make them tomorrow they’ll be here they’ll be on Tik Tok or Instagram or something I’ll put them here too I’m

Not going to do that today this is the whipped vodka shots this is the peppermint flavor and I’m going to put this on top of the like the chocolate martinis for the party for the adults tell ter to come walk her um end up getting the um Tios for the martinis

And we have another one already in the in my mini fridge it’s not this brand though this one is the chocolate specialty so basically I use this some crushed peppermint on the rim with a little bit of like the syrup and then a little sh of that chocolate and

Um I got my sister and brother-in-law some cigars I told you my brother-in-law um has that humidor and she bought him for um Christmas so I don’t know y know I don’t know I don’t smoke and I barely drink now all right so this is um think

They called fat bottom Betty toac and something else y’all whatever going to a gift bag that’s all I know and I may or may not even have a chocolate martini for Christmas um what else we got I picked up something else hold on I got this shirt too uh for Christopher it’s just

In Boss letters Los Angeles um pick that up some little cheapy gift bags I need to do oh you know what I did I bought gift cards that’s what I bought Amazon gift cards the $50 gift cards that’s what I bought I just thought about that

I did so that’s what a money went oh what a money went and then I also went ahead and purchased this camera right here I’m going to play with I have to learn how to use the camera and upload it to my phone to edit it in this like

App editor for like Instagram or whatever I think I’m going to go on Instagram and delete like all my old stuff I have a bunch of pictures that I screenshot and have put on a drive upstairs on my computer Li stick almost gone and I think what I’m going to do is just

Delete all my old Instagrams from like 7 to 10 years ago and kind of have a fresh new Instagram and see if I can change like the layout and the look of it yeah I’m going to keep certain memories that I’ve already downloaded a bunch of reals like

I said and pics too like a card that’s going to be a lot that’s going to be a lot of work this going to be a lot of work I’m working on so much at one time it’s crazy but I’m hungry right now fix me something to eat I

Think I’m going to go to Burlington in a little bit cuz I didn’t go to Burlington I only went to R I was looking for that JBL speaker and I did not see that but I did order the um the um Apple pods and they’re expensive they expensive but um I’m so

Excited about getting this camera I’m so excited about vlogging I’m so excited about what I have planned for my my second channel for 2024 so it is a fragrance Channel and it is all about fragrance and skin care and all the things but I think I’m going to put my thrifting over

There I’m ready to start back thrifting I’m ready to start back I want to change like everything like all my my wardrobe kind of want to amp up some things and I think I can get better like pieces like that by shopping looking for those quality look here and there through th

Thrifting so I’m start back doing that I know my channel started off with thrifting here years ago thrifting and natural hair and all that stuff with the girls and I think I’m going to move that stuff over there so I’m going to do that probably definitely starting the first

So you’ll see that and I I the camera should be here tomorrow it was a I mean I want to say it’s a big purchase but I have spent more than that on just stuff so but it’s going to be a really good purchase to um hopefully help out with the quality of

My Channel with like those shorts and Vlogs especially Vlogs cuz I am not steady or whatever like vlogging and then the camera I have is kind of big to take out to Vlog and being that it’s like pocket size and I I have um told myself that

I’m traveling at least four places next year maybe not even places but am traveling at least four times next year somehow some way and I would love to like um Vlog that for you all yeah I I just want to travel way more than that

But my minimum is four okay and oh man I would love to go virgin cruises but I just don’t know I can’t see how that can happen but it’s on the vision board okay


  1. Friend everything about this video inspired me 😊 keep up the great work. Continued blessings to you and your family 2024 πŸ™πŸ½πŸ˜Š

  2. Merry Christmas Miss H, Garrick, Tara, Penny, Christopher, Quest and Journey ! ❀❀❀❀❀❀ enjoy your time together and make some beautiful memories!

  3. Heyllo to all and to all A good Night.Merry Christmas Helen May your steps continue to be ordered.Sit back relax reflect release rejoice

  4. Love it! ❀❀❀ your stuff always looks amazing!
    Merry Christmas to you and your family. Happy holidays to everyone.✨🌟✨

  5. Good morning Helen Happy Holidays!!!! You have inspired me to get back on track. Your hard work is amazing. Thank you! I love all your conversations with us l sat and listened and enjoyed your words of wisdom thank you so much
    Take Care πŸŽ„

  6. Hey Helen your hard works paying big dividends!! You your kids and home are always shining!! 🌟🌟🌟🌟❀

  7. Just found you love listening to you starting a juicing journey just ordered the J2 nama in a wheelchair have RA believing God for healing love juicing love your recipes

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