Edible Gardening

Early Summer Visual Tour, 100% Edible Garden

Lots of varieties from most climate zones include Balck Sapote, White Sapote, mango, dragon fruit, moringa, avocado, plum, persimmon, jaboticaba, pumelo, citrus, Grumichama, mulberry, apricot, banana, guava loquat, macadamia, asparagus and many more in an average suburban block in the suburbs of Melbourne, Australia


  1. Perfect looking as always. I'm curious, how do the birds stay away from your peaches? Parrots wiped out almost all my plums this last week, and now they're into the first apricots. Inga looks amazing!!

  2. Wow, your garden is absolutely stunning, Paul! I can only dream of a garden like this and growing the fruit trees you can grow, perhaps someday 🤞. I love how you utilise every little bit of available space down the side of your house. Very inspirational!

  3. Delightful. I can see the shadow of the drome above. I must really get to grips with the control of mine. It keep flying off all over the place 😆

  4. You've done it again Paul! You must have choreographed the whole video! Your plum trees look amazing – what varieties do you have?

  5. Very nice. Food forest is looking good. I'd love to fly a drone over my house, sadly, we're close to the airport and we're on a no-fly zone.

  6. Always amazed by the organsation and tidyness of your place. Incidentaly the plants look great too. Hope you have a lovely Xmas Paul.

  7. Hey, that looks amazing! You really used your space well, and it is very well planned out and executed. Did your papaya make it through the winter?

  8. Early Summer Visual Tour, 100% Edible Garden

    Your videos are very good and interesting and I have watched all of your videos. I wish you good health and success

  9. The garden between the house and the the fence shows that you can grow a lot in small spaces. Happy New Year 🎆 and all the best for 2024 🎊

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