Japanese Garden

Inside Tokyo’s Haneda Airport International Terminal 3 | before Departure (Restaurants & Shops)

I love Haneda, I’m leaving in 48 hours but came for a reason, I want to see how it’s changed, what’s here #haneda #tokyo

Welcome to Heda airport here in Tokyo look at this it is one of the nicest international airports that I’ve been in and I’ve traveled to well over 70 countries and today we’re going to take a look at how the international terminal at Terminal 3 has has perhaps changed

Over the last few years since the uh you know event of the last three and uh we’ll go and do a little bit of of plane spotting outside on the observatory but what I love about this airport is that they’ve made it very adal period This is

A time in Japan in the 19th century it feels like that and that’s kind of kind of a cool feeling you see on the left side that modern uh Japan feel and then the right side that old wood with the the red choen which are the lanterns on

The on the on the right I like that and makes her a very unique experience when you’re leaving and a one that you remember and you don’t want to forget hey everybody I’m going to be leaving in 48 hours to go back to the United States before I did that we’re

Going to be leaving too early in the morning I don’t actually live that far away from hanen so I I stopped in to to give you a a quick overview a look through of the departures now the arrivals is a little bit not as exciting there are some shops down there but it’s

The departures that I think has the most interesting uh I don’t know architecture landscape whatever something like that so let’s take a quick look see and then I’ll I’ll take you uh upstairs to The Observatory you can take a look at the city of Tokyo because Han airport has an

Amazing view of the city of Tokyo wow the check-ins go all the way to the letter n a Ana if you’re flying all the point Airlines oh check out that sushi shop right there on the right that’s very cool the Ana is that I

Think it’s a b and c at the beginning of it of the uh terminal so it’s easy to find the other airlines are on the right Terminal 2 also has some International departures that’s good to know I wanted to start here wow do you see up here is the a replic a

Replica of niom Bashi so let’s go upstairs I want to walk on this for just a second it’s been a long time since I’ve done that wow there’s a proud of people over there um you don’t have to check in as early as you would for the US you know I

Think they say like 3 to four hours for international flights in the US I’m going to tell you you probably can get away from 2 and a half hours here because the security check is usually pretty easy not easy but it’s faster more efficient I think if you feel comfortable coming 4 hours

In advance please do but I’m I’m telling you for international I I’m usually two and a half and I’m good and if you have access to the lounge you can relax here for sure this is so cool I haven’t been up here in years the the original niom Bashi of

Course was uh taken out after the earthquake of 19 23 and rebuilt but from up here you have an even more amazing view of the terminal below look at that I love it you’re really high you’re pretty much on the roof of the airport let’s go take a look at the

Restaurants and the the uh shops that you might have there’s a Ana Festa if you have an ANA credit card or point card it does pay to get the points at the Ana Festa I think it’s like double points for the same omagi which is like the Roy

Potato chips and Etc you can get that there that a Rel wow look at this this is the old Ado Ado Castle used to be a thing it burned down uh in the 19th century so it’s no longer there that’s that would have been Tokyo Castle so the images

From that are pretty cool up here is in the middle of the night if you do come here you’ll see people sleeping underneath the red umbrellas not today cuz it’s afternoon if you want to get rid of your change at the airport one thing that you can do is

Go to the gacha P terminals here and all we’re going to go here later that’s the observatory but the gacha pone are everywhere in the airport and they usually have some interesting ones it’s a good way to dump your 100 yen coins let’s see let’s see what we can get here

Wow here’s some Ramen miniature Ramen this is kind of all right look at this miniature castles from around Japan that’s kind of that’s actually kind of cool do they glow in the dark that’d be even cooler look at that miniature microwaves don’t ask me why but apparently if you push the

Button it goes Ching but unfortunately it’s sold out so I would get one for Leo because anything that makes a noise it’s kind of cool all right let’s go down uh to back to the restaurant floor the thing is if you come up to the if you come up to the the bridge

Right there right here you have to go back the way you came or wait I think I could go around but I wanted to take you after I just show show you the shops here here comes the elevator Han airport Garden Mall I’m not even sure what that is I’m I’m I’m still

Kind of figuring out how han has changed over the last wow the elevator is like way down there I’m not a patient person so I’m going to have to say I’m going to go around oh you know what I’ll just wait inside the lobby this is interesting there’s uh so we’re on the

Fifth floor and the fourth floor I guess is the is third floor is the departure Lobby and the fourth floor is called Edo koi and uh this is where we’re going right now let’s enter wonder if the signal extends into the elevator looks like it’s Raining all right we’re we’re on the uh ADI which is the the shops there’s a book store they still have those this is the Tokyo milk shop these these are one of kanai’s favorite Confections look at that cheesecake there can I recharge my ikoka card at

Hana or Narita you can at the uh you can do that at the um Montreal I came in Via oh this is so cool I’m always so impressed with the little village that they created inside of Hana look at this all right we’ll gu we we’ll just stroll through here real

Slow we’re deep in the terminal so I’m not sure how the signal is but it does look like a different world inside of haa airport makes you want to buy stuff well perhaps always pan up and look and see at the the designs of the shops it does

Look like old Tokyo had these storefronts that were very I guess pretty similar to what you have here these are a lot cleaner sometimes they would use like gold trim around it here’s a ton KATU restaurant interesting here’s a Shabu Shabu Restaurant oh no this is the

Sukiyaki oh my God this is imahan imahan from ningo is like 150y old Sukiyaki restaurant this is some good stuff if you had the time I wouldn’t rush Sukiyaki but this is so worth it let me just take a look at the menu here oh yeah you got to go for the the

Uh just go for the high quality beef you don’t have to go for top go for the each it’s 10,000 a person or like 70 bucks that’s so worth it that’s some good wagu oh my gosh if you have the time and you’re didn’t good at imahan and Nashi ningo

Before definitely do I like what they’ve done here do you see this they put the weight times of the security so to get through on the North side would take you 15 to 20 minutes on the central side which is um right underneath us it’s there’s no weight to go through security

So I like that they’ve done that with the check times so you know how to maybe save like 15 minutes and that would help you chop more or enjoy your Hana experience just a little bit more right this side has a Ramen place that I’ve been into many times now that’s a

Place where you you it’s a lot cheaper than imahan or some of the other restaurants on that other side so what do we have here is this like a okonomiyaki or this is a Hiroshima style okonomiyaki and this is a spaghetti this is oh this is like

A Western food here but it’s got a Japanese touch they Hamburg with the um rice kind of and I love I love this demig glaze sauce they use that in so many things in that like Old World Western Cuisine it’s got brick in there I mean you can feel the vibe it

Looks like the 1950s like sorry maybe the 1920s inside there like time stands still kind of a place but the beef Curry 18800 Yen you know it looks like they’ve raised the prices from the last time I was was here C they certainly have and just tourists

Have that 148 to 150 Yen to the dollar exchange rate right now so all right here’s a stake place so let’s take a look at this what is this Yaki niku champion champion all right this is actually not too bad again they don’t list where the beef

Is from at least I don’t see it but it does look pretty good I don’t know where exactly the beef is from do they say this is yaki niku but if you if you want to get a hankering for it this is the premium Yaki niku plate for 3,200 y was like 20

Bucks that’s worth it and you know just so you know a little bit goes a long way here’s the ramen place this one always has a line and you can get their spicy ton kotur Ramen which is what I recommend that’s a about what is that $8

12,250 Yen and you can get the with the GZA set it’s just a little bit more it’s pretty good uh I I’ve actually I think I live streamed in there a couple of years ago with Kanai but the line is always there so it’s but it moves really quickly so it’s not

Something that is a deal breaker you can get it a massage before you get on the plane I like that there’s some sushi more sushi on this side and then more restaurants inside of here this is the Edom my yokoo is what it’s called so let’s do a

Quick walk through here this a Ginza Ura which is a famous chain can you guys can screenshot that if you want um it looks like Oden right there OD Den is so good oh look at this unagi baby unagi is freshwater eel that is a about 5,000 yen for that

And this is 3,000 yen it’s a little bit smaller but that is some good looking unagi wow and again here’s a a plate of Oden oh my gosh that’s so good actually if if if it’s open when can I and I come here on on Tuesday we’re going to go take a

Look here’s some soba prices are definitely slightly higher but they should be are we going to go to the end of the end of the street just to see what it’s what’s here I see Joy’s in the house I hope you’re doing well we heard about the the big earthquake near the Philippines

Yesterday last night oh so this is the end of the line and what is here woku which means Japanese Cuisine this is like an isaka I like that they put everything in English here as well pork cut with miso sauce on top of rice bowl just

And look at that there’s like a place to sit down you have a nice view overlooking the airport that’s pretty sweet all right let’s get let’s get out of here I want to take you now to the observation deck they got sake in there too let’s go up to the observation deck

There’s some more shops on the inside there’s a nursery if you need to uh if if you’re a mother with a young child I believe there was a can see looking down into the departure terminal after you check in just make sure you get to your gate 30

Minutes in advance oh they got H kaido ice cream this is a a must if you’ve got the room for it you got to say goodbye to Japan with some Hokkaido soft serve ice cream and this is more of a the cheaper options kind of like Japanese

Fast food curry rice that looks like one that could have been microwave though the ice cream looks good it’s funny you know if you need headphones or something you just forgot batteries or you know wire or something you can get that at the big camera which is right here how cool is that

Probably you can use your big camera point card and get a couple of points as a foreigner they always ask me taxfree and I say I wish I can’t cuz I live here oh they got Christmas tree here hello your videos by the way oh hey

Your videos we’re from the US we were just traveling sorry to interrupt you no not at all I actually had I don’t have you found me CS today I I would hand you one for fighting me how was your trip amazing fantastic I say that because I

Know you’re at the departure so you’re probably leaving you’re welcome video on Tokyo Station and like how to navigate the subway and all that it was oh great you guys want to say hi to everybody I’m just kind of walking around that’s up to you all right there you go there you go

Hey everybody Carolina North Carolina all right now you’re part of this part of the record awesome all right have a good trip home guys that’s nice I want to show tree I wanted to show you the Christmas tree so there’s a Christmas tree at the end

There it’s not bad it’s not bad all right let’s go that’s so nice you know if I can just push the ball forward and help out some people just a little bit then it’s been a huge success right yeah Joy I have my backpack today I all the You Found Me cards are

In my other bag cuz I’m going after this to help Kai film an event that she’s doing for her kids before we leave the US she scheduled it now and uh I didn’t I didn’t I should have thought oh y well there’s going to be a lot of people here

I I should have thought better all right let’s go take a look at the uh observation deck all right up here there’s some need there’s some new stuff what is this just take a quick look see Into The Hot Zone W they got some awesome Japan self-defense Force

Baby oh yeah those are like some are these the f-15s we saw some of these in Hokkaido man they were making a big blast of lot of sound up there from chosa airport oh look at this that’s so cool they got some self-defense force uh tactical

Gear oh you got if you come here you got to check it out look at this bag this is killer holy smokes it’s a waste bag and it’s 4,000 Yen and this this looks like something I could put my Gimbal and stuff in I like

That they got a black one in the back that looks like it’s made really well oh this is the toy Park from Ginza this is a like the Toys R Us the original Japanese based toy store so you can get some this is definitely worth checking out if you have some time make

Sure you come up to the observation deck get some like uh airplane Goods look at this I got to come up and get this for Leo he could play with this on the on the airplane look at this that’s awesome oh this is so cool do you

Agree I love this this is so cool I could look at that for an hour I like how the samurai ninja gisha and Kabuki actor are all in together how you doing wow this is too cool check this out rikachan there’s a Japanese astronaut whoa they got tooro in here

Too they got all sorts of toos wow that’s awesome aaman Goods Pikachu Legos a that is so awesome all right I’m going to do some last minute shopping up here I had no idea that that existed until right now that’s so cool all right there’s a cafe up here Costa Coffee and

Uh there’s a character shop and there’s a door that will lead us to the outside I I first of all they don’t make drones like that anymore and second you’d have to be really dense to fly a drone in the airport at the airport in this time of age but is a

Beautiful observation deck look at this oh I love it you can see here um the terminal let me show you a little bit of the airport first here so we’re exactly is haneda airport we’re right here in the city of Tokyo just come right in here it’s

It’s this is this is an old airport I think it was all the way back to the 1920s but it expanded into an international airport in the ’90s I believe and this international terminal is somewhat new a lot of it is now man-made and uh the international terminal is just

Beautiful I’m going to uh pan out here and you get a chance to look at Terminal 1 and two Terminal 1 is J and Terminal 2 is a Ana but Terminal 2 domestic Terminal 3 is international but Terminal 2 also has some International departures so do do keep in mind not all

International departures come from terminal 3 right there that was a lost for a bit Terminal 1 and two you can walk between them I think and the runways are massive here there’s so many of them um just a note I showed you some onagi earlier but haneda is very famous

For anago so if you do come come to Hana airport look for anago which is saltwater eel and uh it’s some of the best in the world because of the warm Waters the that release from the T AWA River on the left side of H airport so there’s ano

Fisherman there’s ano fisherman on the left side uh right off of the base of tamagawa river and you have amazing views of of Tokyo City check it out you can see the Sky Tree in the distance this is live pictures from Tokyo right now very

Cool and I I think on a day like today you’re going to see Mount Fuji in the distance I think I can zoom in but it won’t look so good and let’s walk down to the other side see what we can see on the left side is the uh domestic

Terminal it’s uh sure there’s a free shuttle bus that’ll take you from one Airport terminal to the next or you can get on the Montreal you got to pay for that around the terminal there is a a free shuttle bus uh if you want to get from H airport

To Narita Airport you can just take hop on the asusa or the KQ line and the two connect there are limited expresses that’ll go from one to the other or if you’re in a real hurry I’m being serious here helicopter it they have helicopters which is so freaking

Cool it’s kind of pricey but it’s it’s uh I I’ve had friends who have done that there’s a ja flight on the way out here oh there’s Umi hotaru that’s the uh um the aqua line that that uh you can see that in the middle of the Tokyo bay right

There that structure is the U uh air vent I believe and there’s a kind of a shopping mall half of the aqua line is out and half of it is under the water And there you go there is uh the Tokyo International Airport baby that is our ride very cool I’ll do a little pan for you here welcome all right any question questions any final questions before we take oh there goes an ANA Flight taking off right now byebye we’ll we’ll see you in about

40 hours we’ll be in the air it’s that’s pretty exciting um I’ll be in the US but that doesn’t mean this channel stops by the way uh I I have a uh a new microphone and I’ll be doing some live streaming uh from from my home talking about Japan for the next

Week week uh for the next three weeks in a podcast style format kind of check it trying this out Kai is going to be with me we’re going to do some Japanese classes just kind of experiment a little bit in the month of February so make

Sure you do subscribe to this channel I think it’s going to be really interesting in particular if you’re going to be planning a trip in the spring we’ll help you out with that a lot I think and it’s going to be fun cuz Kai and I are going to be jetlagged out

Of our minds so but we’re in the same time zone as the as in the US so hopefully this is something that is a good thing especially on the east coast of the us all right everybody thanks for watching I’ll see you in the next live stream tomorrow morning I think I’m

Going to be heading towards EK bakudo we will see we will see but if I do that’s where I’ll probably be early in the morning for a live stream uh the last one of uh in Tokyo unless we do one at the airport but on the way out which is

Possible oh there’s a place want to show you after you check in on Terminal 3 it’s kind of a a little secret if you know this this might change a lot of the things that you do to plan for your departure so I’m going to if if I can’t

I will show you on Tuesday morning before we depart a little bit of a a kind of a a secret on the departures after the security so mark that down guys see you next time mat e


  1. Haneda airport was only international airport in Tokyo until Narita airport was built. So Haneda international airport existed before you were born.

  2. Haneda is such a lovely airport, a pleasure to use. The screens with the security line wait times are very helpful, too 👍

  3. Hi. need some advice. going to japan in may and will be arriving at the airport at 1 am. where should i book and how do i get there if transport has stopped.

  4. HND even NRT are absolutely wonderful airports for us aviation enthusiasts brilliant observation decks for excellent photography!the shops and restaurants wont let you go hungry great varity of food available!💖

  5. The Haneda restaurant street & souvenir street are really nicely themed but they aren't quite on the "international airport" extended hours schedule – most of the stores have been closed all 4 times I've been through.

  6. 11:15 – Hey, I ate my last meal in Japan at that place!

    Haneda is OK as far as airports go, but I wish they'd automate their luggage check-in already. At Helsinki Airport I can just pick any one of dozens of check-in machines, print out my luggage tickets and shove the bags on the belt that are shared between all the companies on the airport, which makes things so much faster and smoother.

  7. The thing that was new to me on my last visit was those JAL "self bag-check" counters… however the staff were so friendly they practically did it all for me anyway!!
    I love the departures food hall area, that was cool but the last time I got to really stay long enough to grab a meal there was back in 2015!
    I had NO idea there was an observation deck!
    Haneda really is such a nice airport.

  8. Its ironic that I always do not have the time to explore this area as I am always in a rush to get through departure and security. I remembered my last trip to Tokyo, the security clearance took 1 hr for me to get through

  9. Hi John. Caught the replay. Great livestream! I flew in to Haneda Airport on my visit and it looks like it has changed a lot. For sure I'll be spending a little more time roaming around the airport. Especially looking for last minute omiyage to take home. Mahalo for the walking tour! 🤙

  10. I never used the international side before. All of my flights were in Narita. Haneda flights were always for domestic for me.

  11. I managed to check in 50 minutes before the flight. "How" you ask? By waking up late and going to wrong way on the Tokyo metro and nearly missing my flight. Luckily the place was practically deserted and ANA whisked us through the check in.

    Imagine Home Alone and you'll be somewhere close to how Me and the Wife looked running through the terminal 🤣

  12. Thanks for your video tour around Haneda airport. I decided to stay in the Haneda Villa Fontaine Hotel and commute into the city for a few days at the end of next January instead of carrying my luggage. Your video help me plan how much time I need to spend on my last full day at the Haneda airport before returning to the US. It looks like there are so much to explore and definitely try the food there, look really delicious and absolutely authentic. Will they let me check my luggage in the morning after checking out of the hotel for my flight after 7pm?

  13. The internal tram was closed when I was flying back to America from Osaka last April so I actually had to exit the terminal and take the external tram to terminal 3 and go back through security (which was lined up almost to the entrance). All this on a ~2.5 hour layover…they were literally on the last call for my flight by the time I got through security. THEN it was literally on the farthest terminal down at the very end of that left hallway….

    It was an absolute nightmare as I'm sprinting my ~350lb butt to literally the farthest terminal…

    Flight I'm looking at next year has a ~4 hour layover. Hopefully that will work a lot better.

  14. I was at Haneda airport this summer, but sadly did not have a chance to visit all of these. I love the chubby little airplane model though, adorable!

  15. Thank you for always sharing such great content.

    Question: You talked about international departures from HND and arriving 2.5 hours prior. What about domestic flights? In the US, we say to arrive 2 hours prior. I’m flying JAL from HND to Sapporo in Feb and wondering how early to arrive for check in. Mahalo!

    (BTW I flew last June out of HND internationally and they wouldn’t let us check in at all until 3 hours before the flight so no point in coming earlier than that. The gate agents do a whole line up right at the 3 hour mark to welcome guests.

  16. Good video of Handel airport. I left From there on Nov 15 but wish I had seen this before. I checked in at terminal 3 to come back to Vancouver and couldn’t get back anywhere . It was disappointing because our flight was late and there was nothing open where we were. I will check out your secret for next time. I could have gotten some better food and seen the observation area as well. I could have gotten some more souvenirs for my grands too. I think it’s worth a day visit on its own just to enjoy it slowly and also figure out how to get around. We got there early but still had a little trouble but it worked out. How do you like living in Japan? Do you have any thoughts on JAL or ANA?? I travelled ANA and it was good. Have to get back soon but heading to Vietnam next. Love your videos.

  17. Hi John! Great live stream on Haneda Airport. I will spend more time in the airport when I plan my Japan trip. Your "You Found Me" cards should accompany you like your American Express card – never leave home without it! Safe travels. 🙂👍

  18. Always constantly ranking in the Top 5 of best airports in the world. Looking forward to flying in next spring.

  19. I was at the other airport and our wait was quick! Our bus got us there late and we didn't even have time to shop for items in the shops……they found us (airline personnel) and put us ahead of a lot of people cause our flight was going to leave. They didn't even charge us for the extra large bag! So nice! Next time I won't take the bus….I will take the train.

  20. Wow thoroughly loved this one. So useful and I loved Haneda but was pleasantly surprised when I visited Narita one time. I was wondering what it looks like to the right after the stairs. It's very interesting up there and I had a great lunch too. So much to do and see at this airport.

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