@All-America Selections Flowers & Vegetables

All-America Selections Flowers & Vegetables: Bright Lights Swiss Chard (AAS Winner): A Stunning 3 Season Leafy Crop 'The Proof is in the Plant'

A stunning 3 season leafy green that is perfect for your garden and containers. The 1998 All-America Selections Winner ‘Bright Lights’ swiss chard produces loads of large leafy greens and edible stems. You will find the stems and leaves in 6 different colors or variations. This is a must add to your leafy greens gardens as it will produce 3 seasons long!

The ‘Proof is in the Plant’ series is all about All America Selections Winners and what they bring to your gardens. We will be profiling mature AAS Winners all through 2019, along with information about how you can have a better garden.

Learn more about NuMex Easter Ornamental Pepper

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