Garden Plans

Is September too late to sow seeds?

I should have sown my seeds for winter growing back in August but I just didn’t get organised in time. The greenhouse is still full of tomatoes and peppers, which threw me out of my plans. So just as an experiment, I’m sowing some now.

▶Playlist of videos with my winter growing◀


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  1. Hiiiii , oh yes, weather is bananas.. this week was fall.. cold, wett and I got the candles out and the fall feeling. From tomorrow its summer again with 25 to 30 Celsius .. for the next 10 days. Well, maybe my peppers will at least grow some more but winter sowing.. dont think so.

  2. Good luck your very organised with your seeds in there containers 😊
    I've started spring cabbage last week in a cold frame for now always good until they get munched in the bed in October 😢😢

  3. I just walked past my green house. My yellow pepper has about 10 peppers. they have turned 50% yellow in the last two days. 14C has been the lowest overnight temperature in the greenhouse the last week. Once it is all past it, I will empty the green house and rewatch all your videos. I was too late with everything this year. I assumed the dates were based on the south of England, as most things are.😥😥

  4. Over here in the US, and the weather in my neck of the woods has been odd this year, too. I can't wait to see how your winter garden grows! We're trying a winter garden experiment here, too. Then again, all of our gardens are a little experimental! I didn't realize that they sold Greenstalks over there! That's part of our winter garden design this year.

  5. Sowed some red and green pak choi in modules last week in green house also go5 some chi mine da rapa growing as well as spinach hope they turn out well it’s my first time growing in a greenhouse Love following you and your advice

  6. September is where your garden and my garden overlap; I will be planting bok choi varieties, sprouting broccoli has been started (Gailan, or Chinese broccoli has been kept over the summer, not happy, but producing leaves and side shoots occasionally when garden greens are scarce in Florida, so my experiment is to see what these weird "tree broccoli" turn into as the weather cools.) I have tatsoi getting ready to start; Perpetual Spinach and Swiss chard have been producing all summer with help from shade cloths, but got 0/12 for August indoor sowing, so try, try, later. Of course, where our gardens differ is all my tomato and pepper seedlings, biding their time to get planted out. I can't wait!
    You have to try some Dragon's Tongue Beans for Kate's love of all things dragon, then. Or had you tried them already? You have the most picture-perfect Green Stalk on either side of the Pond!

  7. I have begun to plant thee, and will labour to make thee full of growing … lol..from that ..other play. 🏌️‍♂️

  8. Great video as always … love watching you sowing seeds .. really satisfying 😊
    I'm going to grow a long with you & not worry about failing 😊

  9. Because I’m in the southwest US I will be sowing some winter veg probably in early October. Look forward to seeing how we compare to Scotland.

  10. Weird weather is an understatement for this year. Good luck with your experiment! It'll be fun to see how it turns out. I was ready to sow seeds a couple of weeks ago, however we're still in the 90s F, and that's not good for cool loving plants. I'll have to wait and see what the middle of this month is like and take it from there. We'll have 12 hours of daylight by the Equinox and my first frost is supposed to be between the middle and end of October. It'll be a crap shoot for sure.

  11. Just noticed my sweetcorn has started to flower all at the same time. that will be interesting. I may get baby corns. Or good compost material.

  12. Could someone PLEASE tell me the difference (if any) between 'perpetual spinach' and 'longevity spinach'? I keep looking for perpetual, but only finding longevity, and I have no idea if they're just the same with a different name or entirely different plants.

  13. After being away looking after our grand daughters during their long summer break, we have been so, so busy still trying to catch up with both harvesting & processing everything that we are now very behind with the sowing for winter. Mind you, we too are struggling to find some free space, the new water system worked so well that nothing died and the tomatoes & cucumbers show no signs of slowing down! Plus the weather being so bizarre that the damsons are way ahead of schedule. Hopefully we might be able to do a bit of module sowing by next week-end, this despite being retired…Cxx

  14. This is the first year I will be growing (or attempting to grow) plants through the winter. I did get some lettuce seeds that tolerate the cold, they grew small plants mostly because I planted them late last year.
    Still need to put in Pac Choi, but I'm zone 6 basically temperate ocean climate.
    Weather weird, oh yeah, unpredictable, up, down like a yo-yo. 🙄
    We'll try, maybe succeed.

  15. Is it just me, or is there something about the sound of seeds tinkling back into the packet. Love that sound 😅 Good luck with your winter garden ladies 💚🌱

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