Garden Design

Kitchen Garden & Terrace Garden Tour (Gardening on a Hillside)

Part 3 of my Summer Cottage Garden Tour!

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  1. I am in New Zealand so our growing conditions are different. I have a potager and i have thornless berries and blueberries as well. I have to give them many times more space than you have done because the growth rate is so much more. In one season one of the berries could smother both tuteurs. I have to grow them down a fence to give them space. Your garden is sweet and pretty.

  2. I couldn't discern what clematis, w the trumpet-shaped blossoms, you said was growing over your willow/vine arch support. Please, which is it? TY.

  3. New subscriber here and I am just green with envy!! Watching your video was time well spent.

  4. I was passing by your channel and I discovered your wonderful place….
    It’s very refreshing to the soul and mind to see the evolving garden…
    Many people with projects similar to yours…hide important parts of the process…like…tadaa!!here is the garden out of nowhere….
    Congratulations to you and your husband for
    the enormous amount
    of time,effort and resources gracefully set in motion for a beautiful place like this…
    Thanks and blessings….

  5. May I suggest alpine strawberries for flavor…they are small, the size of your thumbnail, but the flavor….so sweet, so prolific, tastes like candy. And I keep finding ti ny plants popping up in different areas…love it

  6. The view will be gone from that beautiful space you made with 15 feet trees.

  7. What you’ve done is beautiful & I think the terracing you’ve created with the large rocks is far more attractive than the smaller stones you mentioned, it looks like part of the land.

  8. How do you spell the wooden obelisks that your dad made? Tertour?
    I need my nephew to build some! So beautiful!

  9. I like the big rocks , i think it looks more natural than the stacked stone. i do like stacked stone though.

  10. Just found and subscribed to your channel this morning. This was a wonderful first video, your home is amazing! Going to spend time on this Sunday morning with a second cup of coffee and a few more videos.

  11. Beautiful! I dream of the day I have a kitchen garden ✨ new subscriber here. I look forward to more and seeing the progression of your terraces, I agree with your other commenter that the large rocks look incredible and like they belong there, it'll be so pretty once you have thyme and such planted in all the crevices!

  12. I am so inspired! Everything is so beautiful. I also just have to know, what kind of grass do you have?

  13. This looks like heaven! Truly, such a beautiful property and such a wonderful garden.

  14. We had earwigs really bad one year. I found a good control is to make shallow pitfall traps with vegetable oil and soy sauce in them. We caught hundreds! They are not native in our area so I did not feel too bad. You do have to check the traps everyday though because lizards can get stuck in them and you would not want them to die.

  15. omg, just found you & I am drooling over your garden & the stacked stone feature!!! Holy cow… your daughter's sweet custom-built flower shop and those arches in your garden!!!! gorgeous! had to subscribe. need to watch more of your videos! will definitely share your channel with my friends. i am eating breakfast and typing with one hand… because I could not wait… HAD to tell you how much I LOVE your video and design ideas!!!!!!!

  16. Well I finished watching the video and see how it’s full sun. It’s breathtaking, absolutely gorgeous! What a view. I can just imagine those bears coming up. The little flower room is so adorable! I love everything about this.

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