Gardening Supplies

Grocery Row Gardening – From Scratch! (Complete Film with David The Good)

Leo and Sherry wanted to grow an organic garden, so we jumped in and helped them plant a Grocery Row Garden. Today you’ll learn how to start a Grocery Row Garden from scratch and turn a lawn into a garden step by step in this feature-length presentation.

If you’ve wanted to start a food forest or make a vegetable garden or plant an orchard… why not combine all three in this exciting permaculture gardening method? Learn how to pick the right fruit tree, plant potatoes, grow herbs, mix perennials and annuals, companion plant the easy way, prune trees, create raised beds, and turn a lawn into a food production factory!

If you’re stuck in your gardening and need an easy gardening method that produces a backyard food supply for your family, this video is for you. Learn how to plant a Grocery Row Garden with David The Good and you’ll always have an emergency food supply and a fantastic ongoing yield of organic produce, right in your own yard. Get rid of grass and start planting fruit trees and vegetables today!


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  1. Hey David, wanted to point you to Jill Wingers video that came out today, she had one of the Dr's who testified against roundup, and wrote a book on it, on her show and I was thinking its an interview that others would be interested in, so thought you were a good person to point in that direction. its youtube – season 12 Episode 1, behind the scenes at the monsanto cancer trials. anyway Getting Roundup and Greyzon off the shelf would do a whole lot for the health of our soil I think. anyway just passing this along. ZenHugs,

  2. We have our own grocery row garden thriving in Southern California, something I can’t get straight is mulch – what do you mulch with what?? Mulch your walkways!? Mulch your beds!? Is there a wrong way to do it!? Thank you mucho 🎉

  3. I love this way of gardening! I started mine this year and it is so fun to gather food every day or so. I also love that you mentioned it’s good for the very organized to disorganized, I tend toward disorganized, and it really works well!

  4. This was such an amazing Video David. The chemistry between you all, and the many tips you talked about made this fantastic watching. Can't wait to see the updates.

  5. I love how you anticipated and addressed potential questions/concerns. For example, I saw the rototiller and was like, "What?!?" and then you explained why and how to do lasagna gardening as well. Thanks so much for these videos, David.

  6. Thanks for taking us along on this personalized tutorial!

    My brand new gardens (southern central FL) are a jumbled up version of super tips from you and a few other homestead gardeners! I have growth and produce after 2 months – from sandy nothingness ~ wahoo!!

  7. My wee suburban garden is so tiny compared to this, this is a dream 🥰 I just added a hay bale garden this year, in addition to my one raised bed. (had to do something non-wasteful with the last couple years’ Fall decorations lol) Peas and green beans already rocking in them, despite my concerns about Grazon (we’ll see how it works out) But seeing this .. oh my gosh I want fruit trees and berry shrubs so badly!
    How cool it must have been to have a David to come help! Like having. the Green Man smiling down on your land. 🪴🌝

  8. Where did she get the Bee sign? Would live to have a couple.
    This is a perfect video. I really lived it.

  9. @davidthegood have you ever covered a video about drip irrigation and watering? I live in a hot arid climate and a watering system is key here. Does Sherry's area get a lot of water and no need for irrigation? If so, I am very jealous!

  10. I'm in FL and I have done the same simply because my husband doesn't want the fruit trees all over the yard. I planted peaches, plums, nectarines, apples, tropical cherries, herbs, Everglades tomato, African potato mint, roselle, etc. I didn't think of adding in blackberries! I picked up a lot of tips from your videos over the years, as well are your books.

  11. How awesome! I loved the video and love seeing how the system looks in an entirely different setting. I know many excellent meals and fond memories will come from that space.

  12. i enjoyed watching @davidthegood a couple questions, I'm worried about planting potatoes as you need to dig out of the ground, and would disturb the roots, especially the trees, the other question is about the berries, being that the rows are so close, the thorns would be quite annoying to go past? i would love to hear your thoughts on these and from others aswell?

  13. Good morning David,
    I have a question and I thought if anyone would know you would. I live in South Louisiana and
    I have a mango seed, and I wanted know how to germinate it or how to grow it? Thank you.

  14. I wish I would have seen this before I planted my fruit trees. I did not create a dam to allow for the water and soil to settle. I have thought hard on making your "Grocery Row" gardening but decided to make "Market rows" and my Food Forest. I may still decide to create some at a later date. I love you channel. I also live in Zone 8 and watching your videos gives me a great idea of what I can and cannot do in my own gardens. Thank you David and God Bless.

  15. This was excellent! I watched the whole thing. I had to pause several times because…well, life happens. Where the heck were you when I started with fruit trees 15 years ago? They are a MESS!! We bought the book "Grow a little fruit tree" AFTER six years. If they grow any fruit, the critters get it. Although one year we had so many pears that it broke off branches. Then, my husband "pruned" it. Not a pear since. The minus 2 degrees in December killed our three fig trees back to the ground. But, they are coming back like gangbusters now. Thank goodness! Really enjoyed this. I had to laugh at the gal you were helping out. She knew even less than I did when I started. LOL But, I'm sure she's learned a lot just in this short time.

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