
Growing Strawberries in Containers ๐Ÿ“

Juicy and sweet, hard to beat! Everybody loves strawberries, but not everyone has the space to grow them in raised beds. Not to worry! Strawberries can grow very well in containers, and there are many ingenious ways to do this to maximise space. Ben also explains the different types of strawberries and when they crop, so you can be picking yummy berries all summer long! Pass the Martini…! ๐Ÿ“

For more on how to grow strawberries, see this video: Strawberries from Planting to Harvest

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  1. Thank you for acknowledging us vegan gardeners and giving us info. Will follow you for sure!

  2. I'm making up a hanging can i put them in that? ( my issue is, watering in a water shortage, i get more water running down my arms!)๐Ÿ˜‚
    Any suggestions?

  3. My strawberry plants are just beginning to flower and i want to transplant them so i can use thr raised bed for other things.
    Is it okay to transplant them?
    Its been quite cool and raining Southern Ontario, zone 7a.

  4. I've never tried pepper on a fresh berry. Going to give it a go soon my first berry is almost ready to pick. ๐Ÿ˜Š

  5. I have all ever bearing berries…I think the variety is one of the most popular. I grow in containers now but am thinking of devoting a section of my raised beds this year. Still learning about berries but loving the harvest so far.

  6. I am looking growing indoors live in an apartment. Not sure I guess I will play and see what works

  7. I use large rubber snakes to keep out the birds. For the opossums and cats I use what I call stop sticks. Whish I could add a pic here for you. They come in a roll or a mat. They have plastic prickly nubs that animals hate. It does not hurt them, itโ€™s just uncomfortable. Give it a go!!

  8. I'm trying to grow yellow and alpine strawberries from seeds. I think I killed many of my seeds by storing them incorrectly, though. 5 of the yellow have sprouted and zero of the alpine. They will be going into containers made of halved plastic bottles, hanging on the bannister outside, with the top of the bottle acting as a reservoir that a cotton wick will be dangling into. I do worry the soil might overheat because those of our lettuces did, so I'm toying with the idea of spray painting them white from the inside to keep the glossy look, but I also love the idea of being able to see the roots ๐Ÿคทโ€โ™€๏ธ

  9. I love that you have parrots around! I know they're invasive and somehow even a pest to some but DAMN parrots are awesome!

  10. 5/2023 this year I'm planting Albion, Ozark, and Ft. Laramie Strawberries in Western Washington, USA.. Thanks for the tips!

  11. Is grass clippings a bad choice? Since it is more nitrogen and probably more moist.
    I have a lot of wood chips too ๐Ÿค”

    Love the strawberry pot ๐Ÿ˜ฎ no idea how to pot it lol if I seen one I gotta try it

  12. Hello. Do you repot the plants each season? My strawberry plant is on its Third year in a fabric raised bed type of pot. Itโ€™s propagated itself in the pot (slightly out of control๐Ÿ˜…) but Iโ€™m not sure where to start to trim it back or repot it. I have a lot fruiting but they are small and tend to be sour. What npk should I be adding and will it make a difference if itโ€™s already fruiting but not yet ripe? Thanks!

  13. I absolutely adore your videos. Thank you for sharing your expertise.

    –gardener in Minnesota, USA

  14. I am trying with Ozark Beauty Strawberries in a pot on my patio with my other veggies. I really didn't want to do Strawberries but my neighbor forced the issue and purchased a couple of seedlings, so I would have to do it. So if it works and I get some really good Strawberries I'll eat them all and give her 1 entire Strawberry. Lol! Wish me luck garden family.

  15. thank you so much, very good explanation "on how to grow strawberiies on the pot", i will try that I wish to find good one that stays longer..thank you and see you..for my feed back after i do grow my own.โค

  16. Hi Ben, I've got a pineberry plant growing in a 45cm diameter tub. It's a year old and was transplanted in its new spot in March 2023. But it's not producing any flowers at all. The plant looks healthy and lush but looks smaller than the Sweet Colossus in the other pots. Do you have any experience with this variety of strawberries? I fed well rotted chicken manure pellets solution to all the varieties and the rest are thriving and producing an abundance of fruit. Just the pineberry is a mystery.

  17. My plant is in a pot and is growing well and has produced lots of flowers. The flowers have dropped and the strawberries have appeared but they are not growing at all. Does anyone know why and what I'm doing wrong? Please help.

  18. I bought a strawberry plant that was dying. Cost me 50p I planted it in a pot to see what would happen. Iv had the plant about 5 years now and each year it has given me lots of yummy strawberries

  19. I do have them in Namibia but most of the people don't understand it and not showing any interest…my kids they are enjoying them very much.

  20. Can we grow strawberries in Minnesota at homes. Now it is summer . Best tips to grow outdoors in pots in summer and during winter how to transfer and grow it indoor?

  21. Why is it necessary to repot the strawberry plants immediately after buying them? Can't you just leave them in the containers you bought them in?

  22. Hare Krishna,

    If possible can you give me the list of the different strawberries the names and what they're good for please?๐Ÿ˜Š

  23. I have a strawberry plant (just the one) as a complete newbie. It says on the label โ€˜malling centenaryโ€™ and โ€˜main season and hardyโ€™. It is fruiting already. So what type of strawberry is this? Is it an ever bearer? Iโ€™m getting confused. Thanks

  24. i have ever bearing strawberries planted in a metal raised bed. when i originally planted them i only filled the container about half full of dirt. last year i had a great crop. this year my bed is very crowded and about half the ripe strawberries are quite far down in the middle and i noticed they are all rotted or molded. i was thinking of adding dirt to the top of the container in the fall in hopes that they will have more air movement. is that the right thing to try?

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