
@houseplantjournal: #PlantFailFriday – mossarium edition: . Don’t you think this looks like a little…

#PlantFailFriday – mossarium edition:
Don’t you think this looks like a little landscape during the winter? It’s as if the once green pastures (šŸ“· 2) have all gone dormant as the mountain remains unchanged.
I should read up on moss because I have a hunch that perhaps this dessicated moss can spawn some new green if rehydrated. In any case, I should be less lazy and actually open up the lid to spray the moss regularly. I think this dried up because of a series of “meh, I’ll do it next time”
Anyway, this was a gift from @botanica.boutique and planted by my buddy, Jesse, the moss master: @teenytinyterra
#moss #mossarium #terrarium #indoorplants #plantlove #plantlife #beautyindecay

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