Vegetable Gardening

Growing Elderberry! What you need to know!

God gave us elderberries as a great medicinal herb for flu and cold season. Be sure to do your research before processing your elderberries, and do not eat directly from the plant.


  1. I use to make elderberry fritters with the flower heads. Dip in a batter and deep fry. Yummy! I am sure the recipe is online.

  2. What organic spray do you use on elderberries? I need to get a spray for mine.

  3. Morning Jill! I have looked everywhere for elderberry growing so I can take some cuttings. Only place I’ve seen that MAY be Elderberry is in an area I can’t access ☹️. I’ve had to settle for packaged Elderberry

  4. I do have 2 Elderberry bushes. They get morning sun and dappled sun in the afternoon. One did have a small amount of berries last year. This year it is loaded with blooms. I do plan to harvest them this year.

  5. I've tried growing elderberries but with no luck. Yours look beautiful. My dad always grew them to make elderberry wine.

  6. Super interesting information. Is there something that you could grow in between them that is tall and fluffy that would give them some shade? I'm thinking okra—but I don't think that would be enough shade.
    And birds? Do birds like the berries? Thanks again for a very interesting topic, ma'am. Jesus bless.

  7. Love your video on growing Elderberry Plants, They grew everywhere in California and hubby and I made wine , jams and syrups. They are also a protected plant in California. I am now here in My Texas property a proud owner of two Plants and two varities, that have blossoms already. I almost the great tea from the Flowers that I use to help keep my High Blood in Check..By the way some elderberries need a co0mpanion to produce. . Ninette Bird- The Caribbean Wife – Cameron – Tx

  8. I could use some of that now. After flying FIL to see Mom's grave and marker up north, hubby and I came down with a respiratory crud. We are both healing now and are on the upside of it.

  9. It's worthwhile to research Elderberry varieties; European elder varieties are higher in cyanide. American varieties are far less in regard to cyanide and also possess different levels of beneficial nutrients, as I understand. Terry Durham with River Hills Harvest in Missouri is a helpful resource.

  10. I don’t grow them, but I’m just here for the community. ❤
    God bless y’all.

  11. i always thought it was a weed , i grow em as a privacy hedge. The flowes give a nice scent in the yard.
    the bees love the flowers and once the black berries ripen from the elderberry flowers , the birds go to town .
    the birds then spread the seeds in their poop .
    Very fast growers an tolerate the heat here in SE texas

  12. Do elderberries bloom on new or old wood? The farm we moved to in North FL has a big stand of them. They dont really freeze back much here in the winter. They didnt really bloom much last spring when we first got here and they arent really blooming again this year. We get plenty of rain here. I am wondering if I need to cut them back or something. I have a smaller one that I bought from a cutting, in a pot, that had lots of new growth and it is putting out lots of flowers.

  13. I thought I lost mine in the heat and drought last year but thankfully they came back. I hope to get berries this year.

  14. My stepmom made the BEST elderberry pies every time we would visit. And once processed they keep very well in the freezer.

  15. We have some awesome elderberries going here. We started taking the syrup during the big "C" and never got the virus. We harvested 2 gallons last year and looks to be twice as many this year!

  16. I see those things growing all over the place around here on the sides of the roads and highways. Didn’t know they were Elderberries. I look forward to seeing your harvest video!

  17. Love how you posted this just before I searched! Good timing. I live in fort worth and wanted to know about growing elderberry in texas

  18. Hi sweet Jill! Got any recommendations on which steam juicer to get? I've been looking at them for a while and just never pulled the trigger. Next year I might have enough elderberries to make it worth fooling with, so probably need to get one for processing. Thanks for reminding folks about the need to process those berries. Seems like every year I hear about someone not knowing this and getting sick. Hugs!

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