Backyard Garden

Try these if you’re looking for privacy in your backyard!

Landscaping for screening and privacy is a huge topic for homeowners. If you are looking for privacy and screening for your home, watch this! I’ve recently found Eeagleston Hollies and I’m hopeful it will give us privacy and beauty for many years to come. I planted this hedge along my fence with four hollies in a way that allows me to have under plantings. The idea is to soften the fence, add some height, beauty and privacy. I’m excited to watch this screen grow, watch the birds visit the hollies for their berries and get a nice screen and privacy. If you are looking for a screening and privacy solution you’ve got to watch this.

If you’re looking for privacy with outdoor curtains – watch this video!

Want to learn more about hydrangeas?

Watch about my autumn cherry tree which I bought from

Landscaping for screening and privacy (Eagleston Hollies):

This channel:

Not all links are affiliate links, but some of them are. My suggestions are intended to help you. If you chose to buy any item using my links, you are supporting my channel at no additional cost to you. I appreciate your support and will only recommend things that I believe will help you in creating bliss at home and in your garden!


  1. Wow! What a beautiful garden!!!! I live in Austin Tx and my Hydrangea always died here .I always love beautiful gardens.

  2. I would really like to know where you got your trees. I need 4 like you have but the price here in Northern California is $500-$1200 per tree – ouch!

  3. Glad I found your channel. Great looking yard and beautiful trees. Have same issue in yard installed 6 ft privacy fence, still not enough. Need to plant trees for more privacy thank you for ideas.

  4. Hi, what would you the minimum bed spacing from fence to patio be? We have a pool with about 2.5 feet of bedding from travertine to fence. Is this too tight? If its too tight we will most likely have to do taylor junipers.

  5. I have a smaller front yard adjacent to other properties in my townhome. I decided to plant 32 (!!) emerald greens, as I want privacy fast from the noisy neighbors with the chainlink fences! But, I do wish that I had considered other options such as this. I installed the plants myself, it was hard work but a great learning experience, and I really needed the workout

  6. Great video and info, thanks for sharing! I'm looking to add some privacy and I have about 10-12ft. between fence and a patio slab, what tree can I plant that won't grow too tall above 20 ft. and should I be worried about planting too close to the fence? Right now it's just all grass in my area.

  7. I love my eaglestons by my pool in SouthEast Texas. I do find that no nurseries around here have them or no what I'm talking about when I ask about them. I had to have a landscaper do my trees. Have no idea where he got them….

  8. Hello, what state are you in? I bought some eagleston hollies here in Austin, TX. I am scared how they will fare here. We have very hot summers (up to 110 sometimes) and ice storms (down to 10 degrees in rare instances). I am zone 8b
    .. the internet says it thrives in zones 6a through 9b. However, this particular holly is not native to central texas… it's native to soutn eastern states like florida….

  9. Would love to see an update!!! We just purchased the Eagleston for our fence line as well based on your detailed video.

  10. I LOVE this! This is exactly what I was looking for and first time hearing of this particular holly. I have a privacy fence but my house is on a slight hill and the neighbors living room windows look directly onto my patio. I think this would be the perfect solution.

  11. Very informative and I like the idea of the holly trees. You covered everything one needs to consider when seeking privacy in the landscape.

  12. Great video! What nursery did you use? I live nearby and would mention your video to them.

  13. Great video! Do you have any recommendations for privacy for lots without a fence in the northeast? I suppose arborvitaes are the go-to but curious if you had other thoughts. Thank you.

  14. I would love it if the uploaders of these gardening videos mentioned their gardening zone in the titles of their videos. It would help us, viewers, to watch the ones we really need.

  15. Thanks!!!!just what i need for my narrow driveway with neighbors that are higher up with several windows on their second level.

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