Container Gardening

Mid-Summer Garden Sesh

And AN ELEVATED THANK YOU!! to those contributing to the TipJar on the ToughLoveIndigo Mainpage.

gardening,grownfolks,sesh,oldschool,introvert,indigo woman,intj,moringa,purslane,sungold,black krim,tomatoes,stringbeans,green beans,sugar beets,vegetables,black gardener,amaranth,black cherry tomato,mosquitos,purple tree collards,in the garden,callaloo,swiss chard,sustainability,violas,harvest,roots,organic,pollination,container,raised bed,lambs quarters,spinach,dupe,rabbits,target practice,meditation

1 Comment

  1. hi toughloveindigo 🤗
    it's 2023! enjoy this first day to the fullest (im glad it is sunday and rainy here – makes it a calmer day).
    summer garden looks good. my peppers were extra slow and severely underperformed. some of my old 2021 seeds did ok, but the cherry tomato and spinach were flops.
    im experimenting with ladder mesh in my winter garden for trellises and plan to make pvc tomato cages and square grids at some point.
    i have liquid fish emulsion fertilizer…the smell is worth the results, but dang! the gnats and mosquitoes are vicious, as soon as the sun hints at setting, its time to go inside, unless i want a body full of bites. im hoping to have better success with watermelon and canteloupe. hey, creoles represent 😁
    yes, you do a lot in your garden. the proof is in the healthy greenery, which includes naming your plants and tending to their individual needs.
    your garden is beautiful..and so are you. tfs

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