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Today is a Good Day!


  1. Ray, I recently read that flies and mosquitoes do not like the scent of lavender. Maybe plant in your lower garden will keep you from getting bitten.

  2. If the neighbor farmer grows GMO corn, be careful you don't get arrested for "stealing" patented corn. (I'm joking, I think )

  3. nice garden ray I am growing seeds that I bought from your seed store there really coming along nice the peas really were tasty great flavor well take care talk you later

  4. so … you have ONE beet in your garden? LOL … I used to grow beets for the greens to put them in salads. And when the beets are young (like an inch to an inch and a half in diameter), cook them and pickle them. Oh yeah … I love 'em 🙂

  5. Ray, your not that old. I hope your doing okay.. never give up but work smarter. Is it aches and pains? I felt weaker and felt like gradually giving dont have to..i started making soups stews and sauces in a crock pot with bones added and my strength started to come back.

  6. Ray you really don't know how much and how many lives you have touched for the better, from all over the world ( I'm from kurdistan ). I almost never comment on your videos but I just want to say thank you and I really do appreciate what you do.

  7. Thanks for sharing I can't wait to see what you got for the weeds I'm truly tried of pulling them.

  8. I envy you that corn! I can't eat it anymore, but I loved it in years gone by. Swiss chard is great in a salad and is full of goodness that your body needs. I do eat that and about 3 or 4 other leafy greens in my salads, it helps me take in some of the minerals that my body needs! Rascal, you look so cute running about keeping Ray safe! Thanks for sharing, Ray. You always manage to make me feel better! Happy gardening.

  9. RAY ! Last time I grew corn in my raised boxes, it was hell, to pull out the plant at the end of the season. The root ball were as big as a soccer ball. I needed to use my riding mower, and a rope, to pull them out. One plant made my mower, pop some wheelies. That compost did produce miracles. I wonder if it is okay to leave the plant after the growing season ? Do you cut it flush to the ground and leave the root ball to rot ? Have a good one.

  10. Looking great Ray! I always enjoy watching your videos! Thanks for sharing your adventures in gardening and such! Hopefully our weather has normalized in Iowa now lol!

  11. I always plant kale but I don’t like to eat it. Kale is our sacrificial lamb to keep my Swiss chard. I have some little white butterflies that love laying there little caterpillar friends on the kale if I don’t have kale though it will take over my Swiss chard. Now in the fall after the little caterpillar friends have gone then I get a enough to make one pot of Olive Garden knock off potato soup

  12. I am growing corn this year to my first time. Growing my corn 🌽 will get pollinated too because I live right across the street from a cornfield and there's one down the street to. 😊

  13. You kept saying early Spring, so I thought it might be an older video… It's gonna be Summer in one week!

  14. I have heard that planting a weeping willow in a swampy area helps with standing water. Always enjoy your videos.

  15. Thank you for mentioning the benefits of Lambs Quarters. Edible "weeds" are packed with nutrients. We would all be healthier people if we would indulge in them.

  16. Swiss chard is a bi-anual. Next year it will produce seeds. Those will survive the winter and then mayhem! I have more then I can handle and they keep coming.

  17. Good morning Ray. Is't the smell of everything growing in the spring wonderful? So Mike likes the smell of dill. My self it is basil. I hang bunches of basil around my bedroom. I thought I was strange so its reassuring that others enjoy similar things.

  18. Try grilled half baby eggplant wiped with oil and a touch of balsamic vinegar and a touch of salt and pepper. Grilled or roasted beats are wonderful. Delish!

  19. Slice up your beet, add sliced onion, salt and pepper, a tab of butter and a little olive oil. Wrap in tin foil and cook on your grill or in your oven! Do not forget your greens, you can snip the leaves and they will come back while you are waiting for your beet to grow. Use garlic and butter ,sautee! Yum!

  20. Hi there Ray I have a question for you. Is it too late to plant tomatoes that are already lime a foot tall in a pot (the ones walmart has) I am in northwest Missouri 15 miles from the Iowa line. Thanks in advance 😃🖒


  22. That milkweed is what Monarchs lay their eggs on. I have about 80 acres of pasture and I never get rid of the milkweed.

  23. I planted corn 3 times this month before I finally got enough growing to plant. The first time I soaked it overnight then planted in 6" plastic dixie cups (holes in bottom) and kept them in the house. Only 1/4th came up. the 2nd time I planted right in the cups and put in hot house (the low outside was 50 deg). Only a few came up. I thought maybe it was bad seed. the 3nd time I placed the seed on 4 layers of wet paper towels and put in a plastic bag and left it open so air could get to it. Almost every seed sprouted within a few days. I now have more corn that I have room to plant so I'll give some to my neighbor. I plant mine along the south side of the garage, where it gets sun all day long, and put them in two rows – staggering the corn so I can get more into the space – a little less than 1 foot apart. I plant cosmos flowers in between the corn stalks (also grown in the hot house) as they are supposed to be good companion plants. I also planted 2 each of watermelon, butternut squash, pumpkin and pattipan squash every 5 feet in the corn row..I've done this several years now and usually get a lot of corn out of that small space. One year the corn was over the top of the garage roof by 5 feet (14 feet tall). I think it was truckers corn that year.

  24. All my seeds have germinated that I bought from you and doing beautiful! I also got 2 boxcar willie come up on there own from last year and both have tomato's on them already (2 free tomato plants)

  25. Hey Ray do you ever do what we call Mexican corn. Its grilled corn on the cob then coated with mayonnaise and chopped garlic, then rolled in finely grated cotija cheese, with a dusting of paprika.

  26. I grew the Rainbow Swiss chard as an ornamental. Your chard and kale look great. If you find a way you to fix beets that you like please share. Will watermelons grow in your lower garden with all that moisture? How deep do you plant your corn to keep it from being toppled in summer storms? Great info and commentary. Can’t wait to get my seeds…

  27. Was the lower upton garden come to life because it gets the sun from all sides? All your programs are so interesting. God Bless.

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