Edible Gardening

Growing Pretty And Delicious Alpine Strawberries From Seed

Trial garden manager Lindsay shows you step-by-step how to start and grow petite Alpine strawberries from seed. You’ll have lots of very attractive mounding perennial plants that yield scrumptious, jewel-like red little berries with exquisite sweet flavor all season, year after year.


  1. Thank you for sharing! I’m from Chicago & already calculating when I can start the seeds! I’ll definitely be ordering from you soon!

  2. What else do you suggest to grow that produces all summer & stays in a smaller area like these strawberries?

  3. Last spring I sowed the mignonette indoors and the germination rate was amazing- I had more seedlings than I expected , I made a special bed for them in the garden in a partially shady spot.They are so easy , they bore fruit during the summer and made beautiful mounds. I look forward to seeing them again next summer.I'm in zone 6b New Jersey. I LOVE RENEE'S SEEDS!

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