
Cosy Indoor Gardening Vlog & Mini Plant Tour | LiveitlikeLauren

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00:00 ASMR Intro
00:09 The Return of the Jumper
00:32 Jewellery Declutter Update
04:39 Declutter tips with Mum
07:46 How to feel better about your wardrobe
08:23 Annoying Mum
08:50 Driving home
09:09 Living alone
11:07 Early morning rambles
14:09 Post swim bliss
15:44 Driving
16:36 Reunited with Dad
17:13 Mum’s OOTD
20:05 Trying something new at lunch
20:39 First time trying wasabi
24:03 YUMMM!
25:35 London garden tour
26:40 I can’t believe it!
27:07 Repot with me
31:41 Propagate with me
33:42 Mini plant tour

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Welcome to my channel. I am Lauren, also known as LoseitlikeLauren.

Lost weight. Lost the will to live. Now losing diet culture and living my best life.

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  1. You should consider a career in horticulture! It obviously gives you joy and you seem really knowledgeable.

  2. I’m soooo jealous as my string of hearts was killed by my niece…….good job I love her as she “thought” it was a necklace 😂 x

  3. Really enjoying your vlogs again Lauren!😊 I’m thinking I need a Chinese jade plant now too! Oh man, I fall hard for the plants. Have a great week Lauren and family! 🤗

  4. Your Mums so lovely. The second jewellery box is identical to the one I got my Daughter for her 21st. X

  5. Oh wow, did not think of using tupperware, I am so trying that 🥰. I've become obsessed with taking cuttings, they are everywhere 😁 So lovely to see you Lauren as always xx

  6. Loving seen these videos from you Lauren. I've been following you for years. I remember doing that crazy diet bet. Do you remember the shoe charm I sent? Last, but not least, your mom is the best! Wishing you all the best.😊 Rob

  7. Lauren, I think you should open a cute little garden centre and cafe in West London so we can all buy your plant cuttings and then enjoy a cup of decaff coffee with gingerbread syrup and oat milk (yes , we pay attention! Lol) … oh, and a slice of avocado on toast of course. ❤

  8. thank you for sharing this video. I've been trying to decluter. It is emotional because I thought I was going to wear some of those items while spending time with my adult children or on vacation/holiday. Haven't been able to do either. It helped to listen to you both. I hate feeling guilty about getting rid of memories and possible memories. It helped me continue to sort out more items after listening to the advice. thanks again.

  9. I just ordered a string of hearts plant from Etsy! Hopefully it will arrive healthy being shipped with all our crazy holiday shipments about to happen in the USA.

  10. God you and the plants was so soothing especially with the music in the background. And I haven't got a green thumb at all!

  11. I love your vlogs. So relaxing and simple. It’s nice to see. Your moms energy is so sweet ❤

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