Gardening Trends

BEE requirements REMOVED from public procurement | Piet le Roux

Minister of Finance, Enoch Godongwana, has removed racial prequalification criteria from preferential procurement policy following a Constitutional Court judgement in February. David Ansara of the CRA speaks with Piet le Roux of Sakeliga about how the business group dealt a blow to BEE in the courts.


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  1. BEE implementation has massively slowed economic growth and development in SA.

  2. It will not change anything, because the buyers in the companies are also corrupt, and will not get their piece of the pie, so they will keep on awarding the tenders to their friends

  3. Currant bee Companies will still get the tenders, or the Country will burn again. malema and his dogs will go wholesale.

  4. Excellent. It's about time that this Affirmative Action nonsense comes to an end.

    In addition to all of the drawbacks of BEE as stated by the guest, there is the additional evil in that large and established companies use BEE to their advange by increasing the " barrier to entry" for any new or smaller companies who don't meat the ' overheads' of meeting or getting a BEE measurement criteria. Newcomers have that much more difficulty competing with the established companies.

    The costs of obtaining BEE ratings is another expense that is totally unnecessary and detrimental to establishing or growing ANY small business.

    I hereby also request your guest to look into the Estate Agency Affairs Board that is implementing so many barriers to entry for whites, in all respects of the property business. Again this policy only advantages the large estate agencies at the expense of the smaller white run or white agents. An unfair and untenable practice, that does NOT serve the purpose for which it was intended – empowerment of previously disadvantaged.

  5. My one student’s M Eng thesis about the effects of state procurement processes in his SOE was most alarming.

    It destroyed the local industry’s competitiveness and ability to compete globally. Skilled people left the country.

  6. Thank you for a great show and to Sakeliga for fighting a worthy cause against this very discriminatory "law" that encourages blacksupremacists to mimmick the stiff upper lip.

  7. Stop! Stop! Ramaphosa knows his time in the ANC hotseat is up! The Zuma RET crowd is coming for him….. he is playing for the votes of those he shunned and disgraced for the last 30 years with ANC corrupt and oppressive policies…. DO NOT GET FOOLED by this devilish trick and trap…. soonest the elections are over it will be retracted. Wicked minded people do not change.

  8. I fear this may be selective in that key SOC's such as Eskom who need to procure goods and services from non B-BBEE vendors will have more flexibility, but will not be carte blanche. A good first step as all will benefit, Value for money will still encourage local content especially in the light of exchange rates, as local content is crucial for job creation and retention, and I think should be supported where possible.

  9. After many, many years of discrimination against the skilled White people of South Africa & in fact a lost generation of opportunities for young white people , I find this hard to believe. What has changed in the ANC ???. However I take my hat off to Piet Le Roux for all his work in pushing for the outrageously EVIL , BEE to be scrapped !!!!.

  10. This is one of the ways, is to beat this Marxist ANC government right at their own doorstep. Ho.! But, the Woes won't end there… I have learnt that this government has just procured deals with China. For infrastructures and for buildings.etc. Vert sick indeed… And in this Socialistic government cries about the private sector not doing enough in facilitating jobs… Yes, they are hellbent for the private sector to facilitate jobs over profits… How insane is that.??? This is really a crying shame…They should all be stuff with nails… Hah…

  11. Darkness doesn't come and then Light goes…U can't deminish light. U can only lessen light, As light comes first, then Darkness goes… Hah… This is no rocket science… Hahaa…It's all bit too late but, lets see how this all pans out….???

  12. For many people is a day late and a dollar short…but it's a start! Well done sakeliga! Credit where it's due.

  13. South Africa needs to abolish racial differential registration of its citizens because it is this practice that facilitates legislative discrimination. This should have been the first piece of legislation and institutional practice that should have been removed in 1992 when the decision was taken to free Mr Mandela and unban the PAC, ANC and other equal rights movements.

  14. Man I love and repect your channel, it's well organized and informative, but please reflect on your audience, their comments and largely, their race and class, the results will shock ya

  15. Finally. I believe this is the best news in years. Past inequality has not been addressed correctly. Service delivery procurement through race based policy was always going to fail, it only leads to division and corruption. Government is on the right track and I know its a hard pill to swallow put we cannot allow to poor to suffer because of pride, arrogance and resistance to change.

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