Japanese Garden


Niwaki Tobisho Shears.
I just wanted to share with you all, an exciting new purchase for the gardens.
These beautiful hand crafted shears, really are an absolute pleasure to use.


  1. i truly don't think any other hand tool makes a more satisfying sound. Crafted tools in craftsman hands. People forget how therapeutic our jobs can be when you slow down and enjoy the work in question.

  2. Some pleasures are better to be avoided; I was pruning today my Prunus laurocerasus by hand; using Löwe secateurs for the side and Fiskars garden shears for the top. From 7 in the morning till 5 o’clock in the afternoon. This video of yours has almost knocked me out.

  3. Hi I recently bought these, unfortunately I had to pay for mine but I've lusted after them for years( most normal people would think you were mad to pay £500 for shears when Wilkos sell shears for £3 a pair).
    I've got the okatasune & all the other tobisho secateurs & clippers but these shears are not only beautiful but work fantastic. If you are serious about cloud pruning & you can afford them get them.

  4. Gotta agree with the other comments – the sound of those shears is just awesome! They look like a pleasure to use and there's a real beauty in a really nicely hand-crafted item 👍

  5. Fabulous 💚💚💚 would you consider doing topiary demos eg how to start shaping from scratch etc👍

  6. Investment in quality tools is and investment in a quality finish. I love the final shot of you using the vac to clean the hedge, PURE GENIUS!! Is it a shop vac you’re using.

  7. Very Nice indeed but don`t be afraid to try Fiskars £20 if you cant justify the £500 , they give you the same relaxing feeling albeit you will need to sharpen them a bit more frequently and iif you have several estates with Buxus you can allocate several pairs 🙂 .

  8. Great demonstration. Thanks! A question about the shears: How good a fit is the central pivot rivet, I.e is there any play between the blades when open? I ask this because I have Niwaki topiary (straight shears), which is a nut and bolt fixing, and there’s a lot of play at that point. I can literally wobble the blades when fully open , and adjusting the bolt has no effect. Niwaki say this is normal for Topiary shears, which I’m not convinced about. I’m assuming the Tobisho’s central rivet can’t be adjusted. Your thoughts appreciated.

  9. I absolutely love mine, great for buxus topiary but I also use them for lavender. What is amazing about the tobisho shears is how light and precise they are.

    I love trimming buxus, a steady relaxed even pace, one of the most relaxing jobs, almost for me as enjoyable as pruning roses.

  10. 好的刀片很重要!

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