Edible Gardening

Full May 2024 Garden Tour | My Modern Cottage Garden Is Waking Up 🌱

In today’s video, join me on a complete Garden Tour of my Modern cottage garden this spring. Just before the beautiful roses (most of them) go into bloom the garden is at it’s sleepiest and is one of my favorite time outside. I adore the new possibilities of where I can take the garden for the year, the hope I have as I plant new seeds and the joy I get when I see my perennials come back year after year.

The products that I am currently using in my garden:

1. Pruners that I have used for the past 4 years in my garden: https://amzn.to/3L3K0u5
2. My favorite organic alfalfa meal fertilizer: https://amzn.to/3EnAFd3
3. Neem oil that I use as an organic pesticide on rose sawflies and powdery mildew: https://amzn.to/3QW5cGm
4. This is the foliar fertilizer that I am currently using in my garden: https://amzn.to/3Ej9UGv

Like, comment, and subscribe to stay updated with my latest content.

If you like David Austin rose and gardening videos, you might enjoy the following videos:

1. If you want to know my secrets to growing healthy and gorgeous roses, check this video out. It is my love letter to my beautiful garden of roses: https://youtu.be/OsKakzRCwwM
2. 5 Step Process That Helped My David Austin Roses Bloom Again In The Season: https://youtu.be/Y-KGanAsNAQ
3. 9 Beautiful Climbing David Austin Roses You Need In Your Garden: https://youtu.be/Vskeo_3qP1U
4. Here is the list of 7 rose companion plants that will help your roses thrive and grow: https://youtu.be/JJqPiVop1jw
5. I have previously created a video of My Favorite 8 Rose Varieties for Beginner Gardeners (ft. David Austin Roses). If you would like to watch it, here is the link: https://youtu.be/vhwS_KdO7KI
6. This video shows the method that I used to grow more than 200 roses at a time on each of my roses (Winter Rose Care method): https://youtu.be/e396hzK8Jww

You can buy the David Austin roses directly from their website (US website): [https://www.davidaustinroses.com](https://www.davidaustinroses.com/)

Where I find my music( Epidemic): https://share.epidemicsound.com/0gnqhv

Follow me: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/amritabhortake/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/amritabhortake

Website: [http://www.amritabhortake.com](http://www.amritabhortake.com/)

My commonly used gear:

1. My main photo camera: https://amzn.to/3tDATHb
2. Nikon Micro 105mm F2.8 lens: https://amzn.to/3DhH8o5
3. Sigma lens: https://amzn.to/3JpRiFI
4. 5 in 1 reflector: https://amzn.to/3jSNVMX
5. Rode Video Mic Pro+: https://amzn.to/3yidVWv
6. Sony A6400 with kit lens: https://amzn.to/3jfhAji
7. MeFoto Tripod: https://amzn.to/2UNtNm5
8. Heavy Duty Light Stand: https://amzn.to/3yfe1xN
9. Sigma 50mm ART 1.4 lens: https://amzn.to/3bvhKyD
10. Aputure 120DII light: https://amzn.to/3DsfJQu
11. Light Dome: https://amzn.to/3ycLZ65
12. Black Foam Board: https://amzn.to/3mAhkwW

Disclaimer: Some links included in this description might be affiliate links. If you purchase a product or service with the links that I provide, I may receive a small commission. There are no additional charges to you.

#gardentour #davidaustinroses #beginnergardening

welcome to my Spring Garden Tour I am in zone 10A and this is April and I wanted to take you through the garden and show you what is blooming currently in the garden and wanted to bring you in my magical space Where The Roses are just now starting their first blooms and the orange trees are in Blossom so let’s go through the entire garden and let me take you through some of the parts that you have not even seen yet [Music] I wanted to take you to the Garden today because the roses are just going in bloom there are so many buds on the Roses but they have not gone into their full bloom yet and the last time we did this tour the garden was in full bloom especially the Roses so this time I wanted to do it just before they went into their absolute glorious Wonder there are some roses that are in full bloom like these but I want to take you where the garden is just waking up and coming out of hibernation so it is a wonderful time to be outside in the garden it has been chilly on some days and wet on from the others very strange weather for here in San Diego so this rose right here is my David Austin Mary tree Rose and it is one of the most wonderful roses and one of the Roses that had has caused me a lot of pain when I planted it but hopefully this year it doesn’t get a lot of powdery milw this is very susceptible to powdery mildew I am just checking on it right now if it has any and it looks like it is healthy I have changed a little bit of its care over the past few years where I have done a better job at doing the winter care routine and that has helped me prevent a lot of the issues of powdery mildew during the year but this is kind of a wind tunneling effect over here where a lot of the wind goes through and the ocean currents come through here because we I’m very close to the ocean and we can uh see right now that most of the buds are in bloom there are some that are about to bloom right now and it looks absolutely wonderful the next treat that you have for today is that the first hydrangea has bloomed in my garden and it is looking so pretty once the entire bush is filled with flowers this whole bath looks so beautiful I just want to come here and sit in the afternoons and enjoy the sun with these Gorgeous Flowers and the Beautiful oranges I have six hydrangeas that I have planted here these hydrangeas initially were planted with my white Easy Spirit roses because I thought that pink and white combo will look beautiful and that’s what I had planned when I planted them but I planted them and they just went into this huge shock in the next week and started drooping yes it was summer so maybe they would have done okay over the course of the next few years but I felt like it would have been a better place for them here in this space because it won’t get too much sun all day long and the other spot got a lot of sun turned out I was right and they have done really really well in this area and they are thriving as you can see every single plant has so many buds on it and I’m going to get a bumper crop of hydrangea flowers this year it’s going to be filled with flowers the huge orange tree that you see right here is my blood orange and as you can see on a lot of spaces there are flowers blooming so this didn’t do as well last year because it didn’t have a lot of blooms ever since I have planted it I have gotten maybe four or five fruits out of it and I planted it in the June of 2020 so now that it’s 2024 it’s been almost 3 and 1 half years since I planted it this is the first year I have gotten so many blooms on it last year I got few blooms but then they never set fruit and they just fell off and I think it has put a lot of the energy into growing because it was a tiny plant I’ll show you a clip of how it used to look like when I planted it and now it’s grown tall and bushy this year I’m going to give it a trim I don’t want it to be taller than 6 ft so I will cut the tops of it off but I’m waiting until most of the blooms are done and the fruit is set on the before I do any of the pruning I don’t want the tree to go in shock right now just as it is blooming I should have pruned it last year but I wasn’t sure what to do with it because it had bloomed just a little bit the year before and had no fruits so I didn’t want to be too aggressive in pruning but this year seeing how it is doing now I feel a little more confident in the pruning it this is the first time I’m growing any oranges before this I grew lemons in an apartment and in pots and that was a very different experience than having them here Outdoors especially as I mentioned that these are in a wind tunnel so they have a tiny microclimate of their own and not a lot of people talk about microclimates when you are planting your fruit trees or vegetables but you have to take into account the microclimates of your own garden which nobody else will be able to replicate no Nursery nobody online even I can cannot tell you how you can plan things for your garden only you will be able to know after after doing some research of your garden spending some time in your garden jotting down the hours of sunlight how much sunlight that spot get how much wind that spot gets in this case a lot of mist that it gets the Marine layer that comes in into s Diego from the months from May to August are very unique and my garden has this unique microclimate that not a lot of other gardeners would have so I have to take into account all these things and figure out how to take care of the plants this here as you can see which is makes me so excited is because this tree has so many blooms on it and I just hope keeping my fingers crossed that it will set a lot of fruit and hopefully hopefully we will see it will be a better year for this tree this year also there is nothing that can compare to the smell of orange blossoms oh my gosh this smells so amazing and so Divine love it these are some of my absolutely favorite favorite flowers they are so beautiful these are the distant drum roses which are in tree form so you can get it in shrub roses and you can get it in tree form which is like this one this is how the bloom looks like after it has bloomed and it goes through so many color variations the colors also change a little bit as it gets warmer I feel like it is a little paler when it is cooler outside so right now it’s been quite cold and the color of these flowers has been a lot more paler this will turn into a lavender mauve kind of color as it fades and it starts through this beautiful orangish red color when it’s in the bud form the closed bud is completely orange in color dark deep orange and reds that are on the outside and as it starts blooming you get these various colors of lighter yellow and orange and tan and as the bloom Fades which is what you can see here the color starts changing into a more purplish mauve in color absolutely loveely so many different colors on one rose and it just gives me so much joy this plant oh it blooms every year and it blooms all year long this is actually the second week that it has bloomed and it will keep blooming all year long until it is the end of the season and I cut it off highly highly recommend it fragrance wise it does have I’m checking let’s see it has a mild fragrance but definitely not as strong as some of the other David Austin that I have but still it’s absolutely delicious and divine and something I would highly recommend in your garden this row is filled with alternating plants of these distant drum roses with these David Austin Mary roses I have four David Austin Mary roses and five of the distant drum roses and it makes this entire row smell so good come Summer with the mixture of the citruses and the roses that is one of the things I had planned when I had planned this section I wanted roses that were taller so that I would be able to see them from different angles in my house and I wanted something that was shorter in shrub form in terms of the hydrangeas initially I had planned to have different kinds of flowers over here I was planning to plant gardenas instead of the hydrangeas over here and when I switched the hydrangeas from the front of the yard to here it actually seemed like it just fit with the colors and the Beautiful Textures that draw me into this space in this row I have six different kinds of citruses I have two Meer lemons which I highly recommend they are absolutely amazing producers produce all year long you can see that they already have a lot of fruit on them and they have buds coming up or the next year’s fruit in 2022 from June of 2022 till say maybe August of 2023 I didn’t buy any lemons from the grocery store I just used lemons from my trees after that one huge Harvest was done now for a year they took a little bit of a break for like a month or two where they had no fruit on them at all and they got a lot of blooms and then they started setting fruit and then I started harvesting uh from it in around the last November I would say November December I harvested a little bit and then I have been harvesting in few on and off since January I have constantly been harvesting and the more you harvest the more flowers it’s going to get and I also have noticed that if I just left the fruit on I get fewer flowers so when I harvest more fruit the plant sets out more flowers and then I get end up getting even more fruit it is not as tardy as the urea lemon which is the Lemon you find in the grocery store or the bare limes that you can buy in the grocery store they are more sweeter because Myer lemons are like a combination of the lemons and oranges so they are a little bit on the sweeter side not too sweet though they still have a lot of tardiness in them I use it for all kinds of cooking the lemonade tastes absolutely amazing in it with it baking with it is divine even it works really well in all of my other recipes especially Indian recipes that use a lot of lemon juice or lime juice and that is definitely one that I would recommend everyone get for their Garden this is my gold nugget Mandarin and it performed so well in the first year I had so much fruit from this tree I think I took out probably 20 to 30 oranges from this tiny tree it was only up to here at that point and then it just went into hibernation and last year although it got some blooms none of them set fruit I had some tiny fruits that fell off but this year now it has a ton T of blooms and I am really hoping you can see some over here that are blooming but there are a lot of blooms on the inside of it and I’m really hoping this will be a year that this one also goes back into production so fingers crossed we will see all the bloes make me so excited and joyous to think about the fact that it will have all these flowers and then fruits setting up to it but this has been a game of patience it has not produced a lot for two years so I’m hoping this will be the year that it does please do please please I always find these snails on this tree trying to just eat the blooms or eat the tender shoots of the tree and I just harvested the entire tree just this week and I wanted to do it a little bit sooner because of all the blossoms on the tree I didn’t want it to be overexerted and not put enough energy into the blossoms and the new fruit so I’m hoping now that I have removed all the fruit I will get even more blooms on there and also a bigger Harvest we will see how that goes there are so many tiny branches inside that I want to prune but I’m just going to leave it alone for now let the whole tree set fruit and then give it the prune that I want I am a little skeptical about giving my citrus trees hard prune because of the way they have been performing over the past few years I think this year I’m going to be a little cautious once the fruit is set I will trim it up until it’s about 6 ft tall I don’t want it to grow more than 6 ft all the plants that I had planted are either dwarf or semi dwarf in nature so they don’t go taller than about 8 to 10 ft that was very important when I chose the plants for this section that I didn’t plant the regular citrus trees I made sure that I planted dwarf citrus trees and I knew I was planting in a smaller space and I didn’t want such a street to have a huge spread the other thing I would would recommend looking into if you’re interested in Meer lemons is looking into a Meer lemon tree rather than a May lemon shrub because I feel like the shrub spreads a lot on the floor versus the tree can be grown like my rose trees that are growing which will grow into this one stem and then the fruit all sets on top it will look so beautiful if that is one of the look that you want in your garden that can be something that you can add to the Garden it can also create a good focal point in the garden where you can have a tree that is set with fruit and then you have these other shrubs surrounding the tree one of the things I wanted in my garden was a clean landscape on the bottom of the trees because my husband really likes a clean modern look and I wanted as many crazy trees as and flowers as I could get into the garden so I tried my best to combine both of our loves for the garden and create a modern Cottage Garden feel to this Garden the two things that were very important for me for this Garden were having flowers especially roses and having citrus trees I have always dreamed of having citrus trees in my garden I had one citrus tree in my previous apartment that I had grown and I just wanted these beautiful citrus trees that are filled with fruits in the garden so that was one of my dreams when I was planning this Garden the one thing I also like like about citrus trees is that even though Bic citric trees have not yet started producing the way they would in the future they actually are Evergreen and either have fruit on them or have flowers or just have beautiful green leaves on them they look beautiful all year long in the garden they are not desid so you don’t have just like these thick figures in the garden and if you live in a colder area um of course I live in zone 10A so this is a much warmer Zone but if you live in a colder Zone and if you get a lot of frost and snow in winter I would recommend definitely planting citrus trees in pots and you can take the whole pot inside winter it inside while it is in the pot and then bring it outside as spring comes along this would be a great season now as soon as your frost date is done bring it outside and then can enjoy it in the garden so even if you are living in a colder climate I would definitely recommend looking into citrus trees that grow well in your zone so I have three mandrin one is a gold nugget a Tahoe gold and my favorite the Satsuma mandre if you want one orange that you want to grow in your garden please plant the Satsuma mandrin I mean carak Cara orange is a very popular orange that is the juicing orange but the Satsuma Mandarin which is the next one that I’m going to show you is an amazing amazing producer it has really produced well the year before for me I have this tiny plant and it had over 40 45 probably uh fruits on just one plant it was amazing if I have to add another Citrus to the Garden it would be a fight between the Meer lemon and the satuma orange I love them even though there are other varieties of citrus that I want to add I feel like I just want to add more of these two to the Garden I would definitely recommend it and if you’ve never tasted a Satsuma orange you’re in for a treat it peels off really quickly and it is one of the sweetest oranges that also reminds me let’s do a taste test for this Tahoe gold I have been waiting to do that until I made this video let’s do a taste test of the Tahoe gold Mandarin together this is the orange that came out of the tree and this is how it looks like I got various sizes on this but this is the normal size for it some of the oranges that I got were smaller if I compare it to the Satsuma Mandarin it is peelable like it does peel well but it is not as easy to peel as the Satsuma Mandarin for sure but yeah it is definitely peelable I don’t even know if this is going to be that sweet or not cuz I think I should have harvested it a little early this is how it looks like let’s taste one M it’s actually very sweet but there are pockets the orange like these that feel a little dried out so I wonder if I kept it on the tree for too long and didn’t Harvest it soon enough but the orange oh my gosh the part that is actually juicy is very sweet M really delicious I think I didn’t this soon enough probably should have harvested it earlier some of the oranges that I have taken out from this tree here there it is yeah it feels like some of it is a little drier than the other m this part is really juicy and nice so I like it I would give maybe a seven and 7.5 out of 10 those aumo I give them like 10 on 10 or 11 on 10 they are the best I haven’t eaten the gold nugget in 2 years because it hasn’t produced anything in 2 years so even the gold nuggets are pretty good maybe I’ll try a different one later on I’ll let you know peel that comes off pretty easy and that’s the orange the Myer lemon definitely is something I would recommend that is very Juicy and Delicious it smells also absolutely Divine we just rub this smells really nice too good nice orange smell to the Citrus wanted to give it a taste test while you were here let’s see if the blooms smell the same I don’t know if all the orange blossoms smell the same H they smell a little different these smell a little sweeter then the other ones this is my Satsuma Mandarin and it is one of my favorite oranges that I’ve ever grown they taste so sweet they’re easy to peel and absolutely delicious I’m so sad I can’t show you any today because it didn’t bro at all last year the year before that this is how it looked it was just fill filled with fruit I got about 40 to 45 mandarins out of this one tiny plant and I think it was probably just too much for it I also left the fruit on there for too long so maybe it needed time to recover and I didn’t take it off it in time for its spring Bloom I think this year it has had enough time to recover it is putting in all of its energy again in lots of blooms all over the plant just like you could see there are blooms on every section hopefully I get a really good harvest this year too I’m hoping that it does well this year fingers crossed I will keep you updated and on how it does but wanted to show you that this tiny plant which you can easily have in a container can also perform really well this is a dwarf variety and its average height will grow from up to 8 ft to 16 ft tall so I can keep it shorter and my plan is to not even let it grow more than 6 ft all of my my oranges I’m going to keep up to 6 ft tall so that I don’t have to reach up too high to be able to harvest them and it creates a more compact Bush that’s how I’m going to let it but it still has a very compact size and has not grown too big fingers crossed and we’ll see how it performs this year look at that snail these snails have been the bane of my existence this year here are the randan kai In Bloom here’s the fun fact I did did not plant any ran Kai this year these are from the ranan kai that were left in the container from last year they just went dormant on their own and just came up completely on their own without me having to do anything so that was amazing and I have gotten so many blooms out of this I probably should start deadheading some of these so I get more and more blooms but there are two different colors one was a bubblegum pink and I don’t even remember what this darker one was called I have to look up I’ll look up and put up the names on the screen they have just done so well this year I have had so many flowers they have been a little wet with the rain that we’ve been getting this year but amazing absolutely amazing flowers along with the venis there is also a Thai Chili Pepper that has come up in this container even the Thai Chili Pepper came up from seed I did not actually plant it it just came up and it has had a lot of peppers here are some peppers that are dry that I can probably use in cooking I should fertilize it a little bit so I can get even more Peppers out of it but it’s doing really well I had this mint in my raised bed last year and it did not grow at all I did not want to take it out of the main pot so I left it in the pot because I didn’t want it to take over the entire race bed and I left it in the pot and let it grow it wintered in the race fed over the winter and then had a few roots and a few leaves left about 2 or 3 weeks ago I just took it out of there and planted in this pot I was like ah I can plant it in this pot there’s nothing else coming out of it of course the daffodil showed up after I did that but now as you can see it’s growing really well the entire plant is just thriving in here can’t wait to make some minty this summer with it and start using it in my recipes I always am short of mint when it comes to my shrimp POA or my Biryani recipes so this will be an awesome treat this summer and for some reason I have never been able to grow mint that well in this house I don’t know why in this Garden it either gets powdery mildew or it just does not grow so looking at it so beautiful and thriving oh my gosh and this smell so amazing love it so I it gives me so much joy to see it come up and I’m really excited to see it this is my entire fence of roses all of them are David Austin’s this one right here is the James Galloway and my favorite lemongrass plant that is thriving here I have already pruned it twice this since fall and look at it it’s ready to go again I think it’s going to need another prune before June because it’s doing so well I need to get like one of those trimmers and just like trim it off in the middle so that it gets like this beautiful growth spurt I also probably need to clean it up a little bit this year and maybe reduce some of it that is growing here is the beautiful fence of flowers and they are all in tiny Buds and I can’t wait until all of these Bloom and entire fence is again filled with flowers this is one of the joys I can’t wait to see it how it performs this year Strawberry Hill right now is Tiny so we’ll see how that does but I lost the gerter jaal this year and that’s a story for another day it was heartbreaking and I had to completely get rid of the plant I’ll make a different video and talk about it a little bit more it was affected by the Rose Rosette disease which is a virus that affects the roses and I’m really hoping none of the other roses caught it because if I have to remove all of them oh my gosh I can’t even imagine so BR crossed that it didn’t infect anything else I’ll talk about it a little bit more in another video as to how you can look out for it I’ve just finished planting all three of the raised beds and got these beautiful snapdragons in here and my Cula is just blooming like crazy this year I have already harvested and dried a big jar of the flowers and I think I need to do some more of them because the more you harvest the more it’s going to produce I have been very happy with this this has been a perennial in my garden actually is just Evergreen I won even call it a panal because it has even had flowers in the dead of winter and it has performed really well if there’s one flower that you want to add to your raised bed garden I would recommend adding the kangela there are so many uses of it and I love flowers anyways there are a list of them that I would recommend for the garden Nerium is really good culas are awesome maragal are great aliums are really good snapd dragons are absolutely gorgeous but if you have to pick one go with this one because look at it I mean look at the flowers they’re just amazing they look great in bouquet even in the house they have medicinal value for it’s very good for your skin you can just put a few Petals in the bath if you take a bath absolutely Ely beautiful My Rosemary has been performing really well too look at it it looks healthy and it’s doing so well one of the things I didn’t expect this year was the strawberries just growing on the floor because of how they rooted with all the runners that rooted on the floor and they are actually have not fertilized them nor done anything and not even watering them and here they are providing strawberries so that’s been a wonderful thing to seeed two Tomatoes over here this one is the heirloom black Crum tomato this is the super sweet 100 I also have a chili pepper Sano over here and this tiny plant which is bombarded by the snails was supposed to be an eggplant so I don’t know if it’s going to survive we will see mixed with the Snap Dragons here is my tricolored Sage which has been a perennial in this garden and I probably should have given it a trim this year in the winter it wasn’t doing that well so I wanted to wait and see how it does but it’s kicked up in the spring so maybe I will give it a a little bit of prune beautiful plant and if you’re looking to add an edible to your garden that H is an herb and looks beautiful and brings color and texture think of adding this sage in your garden rather than the regular Sage because not only will you be able to use it for cooking it will also bring in beautiful color and texture throughout the garden I mean just look how pretty it looks with the snapd dragons this bed has the most amazing kulas in it along with oregano that has being a perinal herb in my garden I left it alone in the winter and I had grown it as a transplant from a cutting that I received from my neighbor and it has grown into such a healthy plant it oh my gosh it smells so good it’s such a beautiful plant I need to give it a a little bit of a trim for the spring but as it’s just coming out of dorcy I’ve left it alone for most part I did make a transplant out of it for my brother just the other day this is one of the other panal herbs that I would recommend in your garden I also have this beautiful aruga that went to flower this year and look at the amount of seeds I have that are on the plant not only does this create a beautiful point of interest and brings in a lot of bees to this rais bed which in turn helps for pollinating my tomatoes and hopefully my eggplant if it’s survives and my Chili Peppers but it’s also going to give me a lot of seeds to save so that I can plant them again next season and the wonderful thing is the flowers are also edible so I use them in salads and in sandwiches all the time because they have a little bit of the aruga flavor but a lot milder so if you don’t like the strong flavor of aruga try the aruga flowers they are delicious the other things I have planted in this raised bed are three different tomatoes one of it is black creme the other one is Sun gold and I also have chocolate sprinkles over there I am very excited about the sun gold tomato because it performed so well for me last year the two Tomatoes last year that did really well for me were Sun gold and super sweet 100 and I’ve planted them again this year along with a few new experiments with the black creem tomato and the chocolate sprinkles they just looked good and I wanted to try and see how they do in my garden along with that I have also planted lots of peppers I have the better bell pepper I have a golden California wonder I also have the golden bell bell pepper along with a couple of sanos and jalapenos they are not doing that well yet because the snails have been devouring them left and right I’m trying out different techniques to see if that helps if they work I will make a video on it if you are also struggling with slugs and snails but I need to first see if they work look at how they munch on these leaves oh my gosh this one you can see has already lost its top I don’t know how it’s going to do but I had planted a lot of marry Golds and alysium in there the alysium are doing well but the mar Golds are completely decimated by the stes they are gone they’re gone there’s nothing left look at that it’s gone and another one and another one barrage has been another plant that I would definitely recommend planting in your garden it does create a lot more self-seeding than I would have expected but I’m not unhappy about it I love this plant the leaves and the flowers are edible they look beautiful if you want to decorate your desserts or your salads with it I love it I would definitely recommend barage in your garden there are tiny buds everywhere on these climbing roses and I can’t wait to see them in bloom the buds you see are from the all brighten Rambler Rose there’s one starting to bloom right there and these buds right here are from the James Galloway Rose I uprooted the ger jaal from that corner there hopefully does not spread to this James Galloway Rose I haven’t seen any signs of it yet really hope it doesn’t spread to that this plant has been such an experiment for me and in some Seasons it does so well and thrives and flowers and flowers and there have been a few seasons where it didn’t do well at all last year it actually started doing really well again so this year I’m hoping I get tons of blooms on it again and hopefully it flowers like crazy again this year that plant if you see in the corner is the Strawberry Hill that I planted as a be root Rose last year it’s a David Austin Rose and I had given it a prune over the winter early spring if you look at my video right here it got a nice prune and it has come back again and hopefully gets a lot of blooms and a lot of branches this year it is still smaller so I think it’s it’s going to take of maybe this season and another year maybe to come up and cover the fence I’m hoping it will be good I can already see a few buds on it so let let’s hope it does well this year my Apple hopefully gets more fruit this year than it got last year I think since I bought this espalier apple I got the least fruit last year so hopefully this year it has a little bit of a better year it has not started to butt out yet I can see some of it but it still has some time to bloom it’s been quite cold here so maybe that’s why it’s taking longer for it to bloom this year and this here is the passion fruit plant that I planted in memory of my dad last year but it hasn’t been doing so well I haven’t finished the trellis that I’m building for it over here and once this trellis it’s done I want to put it up on the trellis hopefully it does a little bit better this year and starts blooming and producing fruit my cocol Loco roses are a little late this year I see only a few buds right now there’s another one here they have a little bit of a aphid problem today this year but not many blooms as they usually do so hopefully it’s just taking time I see a little bit of the yellowing of the leaves on so I need to give it a trim so hopefully it’ll come back with a lot of vigor this year they’re doing really well so hopefully we’ll see that happen in the next month or so it is a little early and it has not been getting as much sun in this area this year so it’s being also being a more cold and wet season for us so we’ll see how it does hopefully by the next time we do this Garden Tour you’ll be able to see it back in bloom the Easy Spirits are in bloom and I’m so excited to see them this year I was hoping that there won’t be another emergence of the rust that they had last year and although the leaves are a little yellow I have not seen a lot of rust yet if I end up seeing more rust on this I will end up taking some of the leaves from the inside and spray them with liem oil and insecticidal soap spray spray but I think one of the problems is that this Rose creates a lot of leaves and because the Springs are so wet it’s causing it to get more diseases even though it is in full sun all the time so I will keep a close eye on them this year but the blooms are looking really beautiful right now getting almost two to three looms per stem some of them are single ones and they all so stunning looking really pretty this is the Olivia Rose Austin and it is one of the most prolific Bloomers right in the spring this was the first rose to bloom in my garden this year and it smells so good if you want to try a David Austin rose that starts flowering very early in the season I would definitely recommend this flower you can see I’m a little behind on the Dead Heading on this one but I probably should it is doing so well this season if you don’t have time at least try to like take the tops off it helps the plant and not putting any more energy into the flowers or creating seeds from the flowers and it starts making more and more fls the next Rose is the envic Rose which is also doing really well this season I hope it does well last season it didn’t have that many blooms so let’s see how it does this year it doesn’t smell as strong as the Olivia Rose Austin but it does have a really beautiful smell the Jubilee Rose this year for me has only given out three flowers so far it is a little bit of Late Bloomer than the Olivia Rose Austin so I’ll keep an eye on it and I’ll update you in the next video that I make on the garden tour but right now the blooms that it has are really healthy looking good and hopefully the plant does well this season the last one in this line that have is the princess androse which after years of not performing for me at all started doing really well it loved the spot and started having so many blooms so I would recommend being a little patient with that one if it is not doing well in your garden if it is great the one thing I would say that it’s doing weird is it’s getting these side shoots coming out of it which are from the base plant that the main Rose was grafted on I constantly have to cut them they it started doing that last year and last year I cut it and now this year it’s coming up again so what it does is it takes away energy from the rest of the plant and so you don’t want it to be able to do that you want it to give in energy to the plant so that it can provide more Bloom so I’m going to take that part off and hopefully I’ll have more buds on it right now I can see that there are some buds on it once that roast starts growing oh my gosh it gets so many blooms the gardenas this year are not doing that well and they are lagging behind in the booms I see some buds on them but they are not doing as well as my previous years it’s always been a hit or a Miss with the gardinas in this spot and here is my beautiful Lady of Shallot Rose it is doing so well this season already it’s been barely 2 weeks and there are so many blooms on the plant I was supposed to put a trellis on it because it has converted from a shrub to a Climbing Rose now it just wants to be a climbing rose so I wanted to put a trellis on it but I’m a little late in putting it and it is already in bloom so I don’t know how that’s going to go this year I’ll create a separate video on that so that you can see how you can grow a climbing rose on a trellis I am super super happy with it let’s see how it smells m the milder smell than this one for sure this is very strong but it’s still very pretty and subtle and I absolutely love it if you want plenty of blooms and a rose that can grow as a shrub or a climbing rose go for the lady of Shallotte absolutely love the way it performs in my garden and next one is the Charlotte which is doing really well this season too I can see a lot of buds on it and beautiful bloom it has a milder smell and very beautiful cream yellow color Pilgrim that I planted last year doesn’t have any blooms yet I also need to put a trellis on that so that it starts growing well it has one big shoot that is growing like a climbing rose but I think I need to bend it on 45° and tie it up so that it can start doing better but maybe I’ll just get to the trellis project soon this is the Reni cascading Rose the one we saw in the back it has always been an experiment for me and some years it does really well and some years it does not so this did not do as well last year so I have to give it some extra TLC this year want to make sure I spray some of my kelp fertilizer on it and hopefully it will Bloom like it did for the first two years which it did so well I’m hoping it does better this year it even now it just has a few blooms not unlike the one in the back which has a lot more blooms hopefully it works otherwise I might have to take it out and put it in a pot and get more of a statement tree over here but I am not losing Hope on it yet and hopefully I can get it to bloom like a cherry blossom or a Bia and have blooms on it all season long I wanted to take you on this Garden Tour before the whole Rose Garden goes into full bloom because it’s wonderful to even see the way the entire Garden is slowly waking up and as you can see these beautiful roses are already in full bloom I hope you enjoyed it and if you want to see a detailed Rose Garden Tour check out this video right here


  1. Awesome video…. Seems like you need to make escargot with all the snails in your garden 😂 (sell it to the French 🇫🇷)

  2. What a delightful garden tour. I am always inspired by your flowers…and love of roses. Can one ever have enough roses? Never! 😂

  3. How lovely! I do have a Mary Rose too, it has yet to bloom so will be looking forward to your blooms and your summer care routine ❤

  4. Thank you so very much Amrita, for telling us about your successes and the not-so-successful or thriving plants (I would never refer to them as failures) – makes me feel so much more optimistic about my garden now.
    Realising that each plant doesn’t shine every single year. Also, that sometimes one has to let go of a plant due to disease – praying for protection for the rest of your roses. 🌹 ❤

  5. TY for another great video! The tips on the roses and citrus trees. I'll look for some dwarf ones to try. Love love orange and apple blossoms! This encourages me to go get them even if I may not have the chance to enjoy the fruits bcz of squirrels. Looking forward to your next video of beautiful roses! TY

  6. Try very coarse dry eggshells around the base of your plants. Crush it several times in your hands after it dries and sprinkle around the base. Helps around my garden but will need to reapply as needed

  7. Amrita, beautiful garden! I don't deal with slugs/snails in the midwest, but I saw another gardener mention that they use black or brown roofing shingles around the base of their vulnerable plants and that it works really well. Don't know how you would feel about that (I'm not sure about the chemicals that might be in them, so I wouldn't put them on anything that we are going to be eating), but just thought I would mention it in case you were interested in trying it.

  8. A lot of people have been buying the Distant Drums over here in England. I am supposed to be on a no buy this year but I keep seeing roses that I want! I have a Hydrangea in a pot that wasn't doing very well so I moved it to a different area and it's now doing really well. We have had the wettest Spring that I can ever remember Amrita and our plants are so confused. The Azaleas and Rhododendrons have loved the rain. Your garden always looks lovely.

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