
Does this ruler make my lactea look BIG?🙂

I had this plant as a potted specimen, ordered from eBay in 2017/2018. It was small enough to be grown under lights indoors, until I moved South, the Summer of 2019, and it stayed outdoors. I had plans to maintain it as a potted specimen, pruning and shaping it to maintain a candelabra shape and not get too heavy in any one area. Unfortunately, it became top heavy and was difficult to stake in a pot and it was blown over, right as I was preparing to pot it up and provide it more support. The fall broke a few arms and destroyed the perfection I had achieved, but not the plant. I decided to plant it in the ground, where I wouldn’t have to stare in disappointment at the mangled masterpiece, while it continued to grow. This it’s 3rd Spring in the Florida ground and I’m about to clear and create a xeriscape/succulent garden around the entire bed, with this beauty as one of the focal points. This Euphorbia lactea ‘White Ghost’ AKA Dragon Bones, is underrated in the houseplant enthusiast’s arena, though it seemed to pick up steam during the pandemic plant popularity explosion.

by CockroachTheory

1 Comment

  1. Such an awesome plant! I have one that’s about 3 ft tall potted, I’m also in Fl (St Pete) and have been debating grounding some plants but have only experimented with my smaller “duplicate” plants. I did just roll the dice and planted my E. Ammak variegata in the ground. Would love to know your watering schedule, I’ve been watering every 4/5 days or so because if I stick my finger in the soil the top 3-4 inches are bone dry in like 2 days lol. They are also planted in a location that gets FULL sun from like 8:30 am to 5ish pm all year round.

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