Gardening Trends

Top 12 LOW-MAINTENANCE Perennial Flowers EVERY Beginner MUST KNOW! ๐ŸŒธ๐Ÿš€๐ŸŒผ // Gardening Ideas

If you’re new to gardening, it can be especially difficult to sift among the hundreds of kinds and variations of perennial flowers to find the ones that require the least amount of care so that they can flourish.

This selection of perennials that are easy to grow can help put your mind at ease.
โฑ Top 12 LOW-MAINTENANCE Perennial Flowers EVERY Beginner MUST KNOW!
00:00 Intro
00:30 Lanceleaf Coreopsis
01:05 Coneflower
01:41 Hosta
02:22 Black-Eyed Susan
02:56 Garden Phlox
03:32 Blazing Star
04:11 Helenium
04:47 Daylily
05:18 Heuchera
05:56 Lady’s Mantle
06:29 Russian Sage
07:03 Aster
07:36 Outro
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Tag : linda vater,garden answer,garden trends,garden media,perennial flowers,garden tour 2024,Plants for Shade,sun loving plants,Low-maintenance Plants,summer flowers,foundation plants,border plants

garden crossings, gardeners world, garden media, horticulture, oklahoma gardening

if you’re new to gardening it can be
especially difficult to sift among the
hundreds of kinds and variations of
perennial flowers to find the ones that
require the least amount of care so that
they can
flourish this selection of perennials
that are easy to grow can help put your
mind at
number one lance slea
coreopsis whether you’re a seasoned
Gardener or just starting out lens Leaf
coreopsis is an essential perennial
putting up a display of Golden Daisy
like flowers from late spring into
summer this Hardy native plant will grow
in poor soil and is unconcerned about
drain or heat coreopsis lanola is hearty
from zones 4
number two
conlow from early summer until October
con flowers will continue to produce an
abundance of flowers regardless of how
hot and sunny it becomes even while most
hybrids only have one flower some of the
more recent ones have stunning double
blooms hummingbirds and butterflies will
visit your garden in Dro thanks to the
nectar Rich flowers zones 3 to8 are
suitable for con
flowers number three
hosta personally I love
hostas put hostas in shady areas of your
yard and Landscape to make them seem
brighter from petite dors that cling to
the ground to massive showstopping
specimens the for forms sizes and colors
of these extremely low maintenance leaf
plants are practically endless hostas
have the added benefit of attracting
hummingbirds to your yard with their
elegant spikes of white or lavender
flowers hosta thrives in zones 3
to8 number four blackeyed Susan cut
blackeyed Susan flowers as often as you
want and the vigorous perennials will
blooming their blossoms resemble daisies
and are striking there are drought
tolerant forms of this plant that have
bicolor orange or bright yellow summer
flowers which pollinators
love when planted in zones 3 to 7
blackeyed Susans
flourish number five Garden FL flocks
adding fragrant and bright Garden flocks
to your yard is a must poppy white rose
purple orange and bicolor blossoms
appear between July and October sunlight
and good air movement are ideal growing
conditions for garden
flocks hummingbirds will be smitten with
this stunning low-maintenance
perennial the zones 4 to8 are ideal for
number six blazing star this hearty
native plant often known as gay feather
or blazing star Blooms from Midsummer
into fall with flower heads that
resemble feathers and come in pink white
or purple beautiful as they are to look
at these multicolored wands will bring
in pollinators like hummingbirds and
butterflies to your yard sunlight in a
medium to wet well- drained soil are
ideal for growth they thrive in climate
zones 3 to
eight number seven
helenium apply a generous amount of
helenium to your garden in the late
summer and fall to enhance its growth
when that happens these low care
perennials will be adorned with Daisy
likee blossoms that are either bicolor
orange red or yellow on top of that
swarms of butterflies will be drawn to
these two native plants that thrive in
full light they thrive in climate zones
3 to
8 number eight
da daes are low-maintenance perennials
that require nothing more than a sunny
place and some mulch to prevent weeds
they are available in a wide array of
Hues and flower types and there are even
variants that will continue to bloom
even after the first Bloom has faded
zones 3 to 9 are ideal for their
growth number nine
ukra this stunning Clum former is known
as a coral Bell and comes in a dizzying
array of leaf Hues such as bolor Orange
chartreuse purple Cherry bronze red and
bright green from early to Midsummer the
plants also produce stocks of little
bell-shaped blooms in pink or white a
hucurat is a great plant for a pot or as
a ground cover zones 4 to9 are ideal for
growth number 10 ladies mantle raindrops
land like little jewels on the velvety
CED leaves of this perennial plant it
also has delicate yellow blossoms that
dagle gently from a swaying Mass above
the leaves as summer
approaches with a vase life of many
weeks these flowers are perfect for both
fresh and preserved floral
arrangements zones 3 to 8 are ideal for
number 11 Russian sage ideal for use
with blackeyed Susans and cflower Susan
Russian sage flumes in late summer and
early fall with a plethora of azure
flowers fragrant greay green foliage
make this easy to grow Woody perennial a
showstopper regardless of whether or not
it’s in flower zones 5 to9 are ideal for
number 12 Aster asers are an essential
component of every fall Garden when the
landscape begins to fade these
stunningly flowers provide a much needed
splash of color also the nectar Rich
blossoms are a favorite food of the
monarch butterflies as they make their
lengthy track South their optimal
growing zones range from 4 to 8
well thanks for watching video from
catchy Garden don’t forget to click like
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