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Garden Answer: Elm Tree Removal, New Stump by the Pond & Moving a Honey locust Tree! 🌲🌿🌳 // Garden Answer


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Garden Answer
680 SE 13th St
Ontario, Oregon 97914


  1. Laura, my Forsythia BUSH is older and unruly! I don't know if I'll keep it.
    This year I will give it a hard prune after it's done blooming, then see what it does for next year. See if it makes me happy.
    My real question is can I make a wreaths out of the smaller branches in imitation of your Wisteria wreath?

  2. An early good morning to you Laura and Aaron. I enjoy watching you both work your land moving trees and working together. I find the three cats incredible funny. It's Autum in Australia a time for hard pruning and moving any plants. It's also the time for planting bulbs. Where I live in Victoria, to get the most out of Tulips they are placed in the refrigerator prior to planting as we are not a cold climate. I enjoy seeing how energetic you are Laura as I was once like this. Good attempt on trying to move the large stump into place by yourself. Watching your show has reinvigorated my enjoyment of gardening. I am even attempting indoor plants. THANK YOU!! A thousand Irish Blessings to you all.❤🐨🍀

  3. I have a hard time believing that 2 men are stronger than one Laura. She could move that stump. She was holding back

  4. Did your husband know what he was getting into when he married you girl you are amazing all the fire in you amazes me, trying to move a tree stump, hoping onto a fork to move a tree you are super woman and I'd like to have some of that energy 😂😂😂

  5. O HAPPY DAY !!! WHAT A GREAT VIDEO WITH SO MANY THINGS ACHIEVED! HAPPY EASTER! 🥕🥕🐇🐇🥕🥕🐇🐇🥕🥕🐇🐇🥕🥕🐇🐇🥕🥕🐇🐇🥕🥕🐇🐇🥕🥕🐇🐇🥕🥕🐇🐇✝✝✝✝✝✝✝✝✝✝✝✝✝✝✝✝✝✝✝✝✝✝✝✝✝✝✝✝

  6. The Cattleman and I had a big belly laugh at the 4:42 Potted Pear Moment! In fact, we watched the segment twice! We have had many times like this since he switched from a large hydrostatic tractor to a big Ag tractor. Going big definitely changed when and how I get help with projects! ; D

  7. At 15:16 you and the tree look like a hood ornament on the front of the tractor 🚜. I'm glad you stopped Aaron in time the chain looked like it was about to break the root ball of the locust tree and I'm sure he couldn't see that from his angle.😢
    Who's that on the lower roof of your house @ 15:06? Is that Paul trying to get a little closer to the sun to catch some rays? I just remembered your having the house painted and it probably one of the painters, so probably not Paul.
    Clever idea saving that stump and placing it over near the entrance to the pond. Looks good there.
    Happy Days!🎉❤🤓🚜🐴🐞🌻🐝🦋🐠💃🌴🌺🌷🌬️🌞🐤🐔🐝🍑🍉🥭🥔🍆🍠🥑🌽🥕🥦🥒🍋🎹📷 These things made me think of you guys!

  8. I love these kind of videos, a nice variety of things happening in the yard. We get a good sense of your overall yard. Love it!!

  9. Wow, you two sure accomplish alot in a day! Love all the trees! Love your respectfullness of your neighbors too. They must love having neighbors like you

  10. I'm kinda surprised that the honey locust wasnt an excuse to bring the big tree mover trucks out…. and if they are coming out they might as well bring a tree with…. lol.

  11. Omg I can’t believe you were riding on the front of that equipment. Your mama is gonna spank you! Nothing but love Laura!

  12. Do you ever have requests from neighbors about what types of stuff you plant in terms of borders? Like say they wanted more sun in the backyard for a garden so could you plant evergreens or further from the fence?

  13. Laura, I love how you have 'embraced the stump'. I remember your reaction to the guys' plan to put stumps in the pond area. 😀 I can hardly WAIT to see what happens this year in your world.

  14. Aaron you need a bigger tractor. Have you thought of having a mixed border rather than the arborvitae solders.

  15. Although you feel that the taping was somewhat chaotic, it was very interesting to understand your planning process. At first, I thought that your replanted tree was too high, then, of course, you explained how the bed will be raised with mulching. Good forethought!

  16. It is so exciting to see you develop your property; and educational. Everyday I learn something new and am able to apply in my landscaping here on a much smaller scale. Thank you so much for all that you do!

  17. Curious at to what point do you stop watering your trees by drip and just rely on rain? Or would you ever get a water truck to go around and deep water the tree once a week?

  18. WOW! What a busy day. Love watching you & Aaron work together. What an improvement the new gravel will make. I would love to have some stumps in my front lawn area to make into planters. Of course, did not think about it when we had all the trees, fir, cottonwood, ash, and snowball, removed. Miss the shade, but they were dangerous for our homes and utility lines. Removing those old trees was such an improvement.

  19. Your property is so beautiful and coming along nicely.. I can't wait to see everything in full bloom . And the finished projects come together.

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