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Garden Answer: Planting a Bunch of Groundcovers & Perennials! 🙌🌿🙌 // Garden Answer


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Garden Answer
680 SE 13th St
Ontario, Oregon 97914


  1. I love Douglas. We had a cat that would bite if you stopped petting her before she was ready or to get you to pet her. Great video.

  2. So much inspiration! I’d love to start planting spring plants but can’t remember where I planted my hostas. Do you have any tips for remembering where you planted yours?

  3. What a lot of beautiful plants you put in the ground today Laura. Can't wait to see them all bloom. A beautiful show that will be. I am sure you house will look so lovely when it has had some fresh new paint on to it. Can't wait for the video on that. Just a inspiring video for us to watch today.

  4. Me feeling vindicated in my ground cover potting method after watching Laura cut a single ground cover pot into multiples. 💪🏻 I plant a lot of wooly thyme, and I take a quart container and cut it into lots of separate smaller plants.

  5. Love seeing you splitting plants to make them really stretch in the landscape. What other plants can you split? Salvia? I have some established perennials that are getting really big.

  6. Do you know if bulbs or other plants that go dormant would come up through sedums or other ground covers? I’d like to plant more ground covers but don’t have the space to not plant higher growing plants as well .

  7. On today's episode of Wild Kingdom by Mutual of Omaha…
    The first brave butterfly emerges from its chrysalis seeking the nectar of spring blooms, unaware of the danger it faces.
    Felis silvestris catus, in his natural habitat, lies in wait… ready to strike, with its superior agility! 😂😂😂

    You built it, and they have definitely come, Laura! 😂
    I absolutely LOVE how the moss looks against the helllebores! Spectacular contrast! ❤

  8. Just a thought: in a perfect world you could rent your neighbors empty house move your furniture in and store a lot of it in their enormous garage and remodel your house! I know this is a gardening channel but I have a feeling that most everyone watching would LOVE to see your home being remodeled. You might even get an entire new audience of people that enjoy home remodeling videos! Btw I’m sure you don’t need my input or anyone else’s for that matter but I thought I’d join in on the fun!😊

  9. Laura, do you plant mostly Zone 4 and 5 plants in unprotected areas of your gardens❓ Dang, girl, I wish I had odds and ends like yours and a place to over-winter them! We are now supposedly Zone 5b, but I don't trust that because I regularly have plants that winter kill which are rated Zone 4.

  10. Lol, who else noticed Laura was on no kneeling pad because it was getting used as a tray instead sometimes? 😂

  11. 3/21 -Just heard that OREGON has put into effect that you can no longer have your own chickens and grow your own food. You are to “cease & desist” immediately. If you have gravel roadways going to a barn, you are now considered a commercial organization. See article in the National Review. Time to move…

  12. How excited to get back out and having fun in the garden. 🪴

    Douglas is so funny 😆
    I know you have three cats, Douglas and Russell but we don’t see much of your other one. A happy home. 😮

  13. * Let's find Douglas a new home. > There are many…. of your subscribers that would give him a new home. (Please reach out to Laura to re-home Douglas)
    I can't imagine going out into my yard to garden and never knowing when you (or the kids or your other cats) will be Attacked by a stray cat.
    He will also be better off….as a 'only' cat. (A home With no children)

  14. Laura are you going to plant any fliwering plants and things around the new property you just purchased, around the basketball court and the red barn.

  15. Anyone else curious how big the brick patio is???? Please let us nosey viewers know! Congrats on your event! I wanted to go but needed to find a garden friend to make take on my adventure!

  16. Do you have any butterfly bushes planted anywhere on your property. Maybe plant some outside some of your large livingroom windows. Or maybe by the pond to have butterflys floating around during the warmer months.

  17. Dennis…I mean Douglas… IS a Menace. A Stray…Never to be trusted around your kids or cats. @3:35 You never know when he is going to Attack.
    Please Laura > Re-home him for the sake of your children and your other 2 cats.
    To a home with no children or cats. He needs to be an 'only' cat.

  18. Re: Stray Cat. Just say….N o….You will not be attacked in your yard again. > Douglas needs to be an 'only' cat. (no kids, no other cats)
    Find him a new home…I am sure one of your subscribers will take him. (Aaron…step in here, please)

  19. BUTTERFLY! 🦋 So sweet! Love the whole idea of groundcovers, look forward to seeing them fill in the space.

  20. You mentioned your hollyhocks – any recommendations for dealing with rust on hollyhocks? Thanks!

  21. I thought I saw you use Hellebores in a pot but the ones I planted last year have not come back in their pots. We are zone 6 in NE Kansas. Should I have put them in ground?

  22. beautiful plantings.. never thought of cutting ground covers into smaller plants. will have to try this. And I'm adding more Hellebores to my garden also. I just fell in love with all their colors.

  23. Got to love groundcovers! And that lotus flower chick charm is so beautiful! I took my dog to the park yesterday here in the Midwest and I saw our first butterflies, too, two of them! Yea!!! Happy gardening!

  24. Super fun projects w the ground covers. What a difference it makes.
    Laura, would you consider coming up w a list of all your perennials that need relocated on the property, or split and do that together? Would be a good way for you to knock those out, if it’s a good season for it.

  25. One of the best things about garden answer is feeling like I am just a friend talking with Laura about what’s going on with the household and family in ADDITION to the wonderful things I learn about plants. So cool.

  26. Oh lil stinker Douglas! Lol ..love spring! Cant wait to see everything in its full glory! Beautiful day! We're headed for rain Fri..we went from high 70s-85!! Now we're going to freeze tmrw! High of 57…lol my poor plants are going to be confused! Lol 🥶☔️🦋🐝🌸🥰🌻☔️🥳💖🦋🌻

  27. Lol 😁 😆 🤣 as you mention in the video about renovating you home down the road the tree in the background looked like it had a reaction like 😮…… PS it's a face decoration. 😊❤

  28. I laughed so hard at the butterfly. It reminded me of the scene in Napoleon dynamite when the farmer shoots the cow just as the school bus drives by.

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