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Garden Answer: Pruning Fruit Trees & Bulb Update in the Cut Flower Garden! ✂️🌳🍎 // Garden Answer


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Garden Answer
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Ontario, Oregon 97914


  1. I don't have fruit trees but still loved the great information. Maybe someday I will be able to put it to use. Thank you for always sharing your knowledge with us.

  2. Laura emphasizes the importance of cleaning pruners between cuts if disease is present. What does she use to clean pruners?

  3. Perfect timing as always, Miss Laura. Quick question: I am training 2 apple and 1 pear into an espalier. How can I manage the upper most growth? Do I just cut them off or allow them to continue to grownup. Thanks so much.

  4. Pruned my 5 year apple trees last year to shape and control size and got zero apples in the fall. I don’t need to trim this year, so Im hopeful I will be in apples again! Thank you for the video to remind us of good pruning techniques. University horticulture video’s are great, but can be a bit too technical and difficult to apply.

  5. Can you (did you?) force the clipped fruit tree branches to bloom ? A vase full of apple/peach etc blossoms?? 😊

  6. Laura, thank you for making these tree pruning videos, they are so important every year. Sometimes you just need a refresher on how to prune trees and fruit trees.
    Cannot wait to see the bulb action!

  7. Those mesh "maggot socks" worked wonderfully on our apples to keep from bugs getting into. They grew into big beautiful apples! Unfortunately, the squirrels ate through the mesh and ran off with the apples. Hope squirrels aren't a problem by you!

  8. My parents have an apple tree that has never been sprayed or pruned. She I spray now or after I prune it? So hard to watch you prune those big branches 😳but I know the tree will be better.

  9. What are your thoughts on cherry trees? Any reason you don't have any, besides the choke cherries? Will you prune your choke cherry trees? Love your videos, I watch daily, thanks!

  10. Beautiful video, with so much information. It was a jaw-dropper to see the orchard before the flower shed was built.

  11. Regarding the Winter Gem boxwoods in the pots in front of the Cut-flower Shed, what are some suggestions for getting shrubs to survive in pots throughout the winter. I know you've said to choose ones that are two cold hardy levels below, but what about watering – how much and how often? Any other tips? Love your videos! My wife & I watch daily.

  12. You probably addressed this so many times but I must have missed it(sorry!), is there a particular reason why you do not have cherry trees?

  13. In order to draw bees, I planted Allisium at the base of each. I did my homework, so the trees were no further than 10 feet apart, and can cross pollinate
    Properly. Going to add a nectarine tree this year. I'm so excited 😊

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