
houseplantjournal: My #2019bestnine – seven of them are time lapses (two of those are from the same…

My #2019bestnine – seven of them are time lapses (two of those are from the same footage just cut differently).
Thank you all so much for your kindness and support. I’m especially grateful for how many of you have bought and shared my book ‘The New Plant Parent’ with friends and family. My hope is to expand your enjoyment of houseplants from “decor that requires maintenance” to “green companions” 🌿💚
#houseplantjournal #houseplants #plants #urbanjunglebloggers #houseplantclub #plantdad #plantobsession #thenewplantparent #hpjbook #author #nerveplant #fittonia #succulents #monstera #monsteradeliciosa #oxalis #oxalispalmifrons #leafpropagation #indoorplants

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