@Garden Answer

Garden Answer Highlights: Have You Ever Had a Venus Flytrap? // Can You Train Wisteria Into a Tree Form? // Recap 🌿

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  1. A "cutting garden" is a garden that is grown for enjoyment and the cutting part is optional and only when you feel like it. Keep doing what you love and thanks for teaching and inspiring the rest of us to do the same.

  2. I live in So. IL on the southern tip and I had a wisteria growing on some fencing wire with only the metal poles you use to hold it up. I think it was probably 5 ft. high (shorter than me). Anyway, when I moved from there it was in full bloom and had grown the entire length of my 4000 sq. ft vegetable garden. I consider that pretty low to the ground. We have also been renamed Zone 7 along with northwest KY.

  3. You DO SHARE all your flowers 💐 . You share with all of us every day and I am so very grateful. Never stop being you. You are the reason I watch. Love how you do you!❤

  4. I for one ❤ love seeing the “cut flower “ garden in all of its glory IN THE GROUND in the sun 😊. That’s one of my favorite Summer features of this channel.

  5. Great video as usual!!! About the suggestion of turning your Wisteria into a tree. A TRUE Wisteria tree has a 'Tree' rootstock then the Wisteria vine is grafted on top of it. If just the vine alone is maintained into a tree shape it has a very difficult time supporting itself and almost always has to have a permanent staking system or it leans over horribly. Just FYI. 😊 OH RUSSELL!!!! You are so darn sweet. What a joy!!! ❤😊

  6. Yes, to the sinus infection… yes to Albertsons and Safeway … and yay for Cebu Blue pothos! Easiest and most beautifully trailing plant I own! 🥰

  7. I'm with you on the cut flower arrangements. I hate being given a bunch of flowers. I too cannot stand the mess. I like to leave God's beautiful creation out in the garden . Give me a faux flower any day of the week. I cant get enough of them. I have them everywhere. And the best part is, I can rearrange them anytime it takes my fancy.

  8. Be sure you water the venus flytrap with either distilled water or rainwater – treated water will kill them – I also bought a pitcher plant too at our garden center – They thrive in acid soil(peatmoss). So excited to try them!!!! Keep us posted on how your flytrap does – I so intrigued with these Carnivorous plants

  9. I have much better results using Hydrogen Peroxide in the water then plant food for cut flowers and so easy to find Plus the water stays clear up to 3 weeks and no changing water maybe try it???

  10. Aaron why don’t you put the large pots onto a regular circle stepping stone – you know the ones you get – the paving slabs that are circular?

  11. Concerning the kitties. Have you considered getting a small dog/cat door for the barn or whatever building you chose to let them into. My cats have a small door (that can be locked) to allow them to go outside to the screened porch whenever they wanted. (They are inside kitties). They love it and it only took a couple days to teach them to use it. It works great!

  12. Hi, I've always been told not to do rose cut backs until the forsythia starts to bloom or St. Patrick's Day. I'm in central eastern NJ zone 7a.

  13. It is NOT wasteful to grow so many cut flowers! Look at all the POLLINATORS you're feeding and helping. Keep on growing as much as you want. Also love the banter between you and Aaron. Makes it fun.

  14. 36:17 sorry Aaron, I love ya, but those fur babies need a warm place to go at night, as well as being protected from prey! You could always put a cat door in. They work great!

  15. Dump the dysons..go with shark. Personal home cleaning business for 40+yrs. Use at all my clients homes &as well as my own personal home.
    Also, You will be pleased with the Rocket series for your Hartley.😊

  16. Maybe add a cat door with a flap to the front shake siding of the greenhouse. It would be more efficient than leaving a corner open. Although the cats may refuse to use it and rip the side that you would seal back open. Cats are stubborn that way😂

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