
Modern Garden Tips n’ Tricks 🪴 | One Garden, Three Ways | Minecraft Build using CIT Resource Packs

It’s hereee!! The final part of this lil’ series!

I’ve got a stinkin’ cold so ignore the bunged up voice – but we’re building modern today…

Sorry it’s taken an age to come out. I struggled with this build as I’m not a modern builder, and the house is definitely NOT modern, but it’s good to push yourself.

Follow me on tiktok for regular videos n lifestyle/hobby clips @mads__plays
x x x

~ Played and created on Java, using Optifine ~

~ CIT Packs I use in my builds ~

🏊 Mizuno’s 16 Craft CIT and resource pack
🏊 Ghoulcraft
🏊 Moondrop CIT
🏊 Hananacraft
🏊 Heritage CIT
🏊 Granny’s Corner
🏊 Garden Breeze
🏊 BSL shaders
🏊 Fresh Leaves
🏊 Abbie’s CIT
🏊 Ferncraft
🏊 Erstwhile
🏊 Maeflowers
🏊 Ducks not chickens
🏊 Ikuyuk’s Botanical Collection
🏊 Clueless CIT
🏊 MiniaTuria CIT
🏊 Yuushya
🏊 Strawberry Bushes
🏊 Complimentary Shaders
(Please note that not all CIT’s are used in this build)

~ Music ~

🌼 Entropy – Prigida
🌼 Tell Me You Love Me – Oliver Massa
🌼 How High the Spoon – Haquin
🌼 Forwards – Nicolas Kluzek
🌼 Spirits – Night Drift

Struggling to decorate your Minecraft Gardens and find that you’re low and inspiration well you’re on the right video as in this minseries of Three episodes I’m going to show you three ways to design your garden I’ll be using the same area and same building to show

You how we can make the most of the space we’ve got but to give you a beautiful result every time today we’re going for the complete opposite of fairy and cottage core and we’re going to modernize our garden picture Sleek clean out of the box designs with a natural

Twist there are a small number of cits in this build but all can be replaced with in-game plants or blocks to make the furniture let’s begin digging out a space for the swimming pool I’m not making it massive as I want to add some plants around the side this is something

I’ve seen on lots of real life modern Gardens from doing some Pinterest research if you don’t want a swimming pool you can of course just skip this part I used white concrete blocks for the bottom and the sides of the pool and I joined two Sandstone slabs together

For the blocks around the pool side these slabs together with the Muno texture pack retex texture the blocks into this gorgeous brick pattern which really helps to give like a modern feel to the pool I also added some blocks to give the effect of stairs let’s Now work on adding some

Greenery around the pool I added some Moss blocks down first to decide where I wanted the beds to be and then I went in with some Co dirt blocks for color I’ve actually not used as much dirt as I have in my previous Garden videos as I want

This Garden to look very clean and I found that moerus fitted that aesthetic for me as you may have done if you followed my other videos start padding out the beds with some Leaf blocks as bushes I always Place mine very randomly but adding them in the corners definitely creates a full

Look now add in some Ferns and tall grasses I’m bulking mine out a little bit with some custom ferns from Munos though you could easily just use the in-game ferns a lot of modern builds I’ve seen online have these long really unique looking stepping stones and I thought

Would be great for us to incorporate something like that instead of just a normal path so I created these with granite blocks in a stagger pattern although I use three blocks for the stones you could always alter yours to match the size of your pole I do go in

And change mine a little bit later on so do bear that in mind I then filled up the remaining area with more Granite blocks which I’ll add to later with some CIT chairs onto the next part of the garden I didn’t actually want to decorate the side of the house for this

Build so I section It Off by creating a flower bed there if you’re finding the space around your house to be too big and it’s feeling overwhelming there’s nothing wrong with fencing off your garden to minimize the space a lot of the time it is just quality over

Quantity let’s start to build a bed for our Greenery and I want an interesting look for this side of the garden so I’m going to frame around this wall with a long flower bed and make a big one in the middle what looks great is if you

Pop a patio it can be big or small completely your choice either side of the main middle bed and join them with Stepping Stones as you can see I’ve already dug out where I want my patios and steps to be and I was just having an

Internal battle on which blocks to use I went with with granite blocks for the Stepping Stones to match the other ones by the pool and then I chose the same brick blocks from around the pool side for the patio area fill your beds in with your desired

Plants I chose Ferns and bushes again and I added some white hents and oxidases for a small pop of color I find that to keep the clean look for these modern houses they tend to stick to only a couple of colors for flowers and more

Often than not white was a big hair now for the fun bit adding the water to the Stepping Stones I place down sand in between the steps to give the water section a bit of a crisp look and to make the granite stand out but you can

Use whatever blocks you want I also found that the Sandstone color helped join both of the colors of my other chosen blocks together and just worked really well another bed on the other side of the water helps to round off and finalize the section of the garden

Though it was a lot of trial and error on my part as I initially thought I wanted slabs um surrounding the beds but spoiler alert I didn’t the fun part about Minecraft though is that there’s no right and wrong and I’m really glad that I tried that out even though I

Didn’t stick with it I then break those down and just carry on filling in my bed with the same plants and flowers and I added some more Hedges to other areas of the garden like by the stairs to make the garden flow let’s add some stepping stones from the water section to the

Swimming pool we’ll create Stones going up The Path towards the door to marry those two Pathways together you can have a play around to see what looks good with your garden just to tie in the water with the rest of the garden I do add in some more along the hedges by the

Pool area and I extend the water around the bed as well I love having all of these little areas as they take up Garden space but I think they look really sleek and I never work with water like this so it’s good to push yourself out of your comfort zone and surprise

Yourself from time to time off camera I actually changed the stone steps by the pool to smaller ones as they flowed a little bit better and this might not be to everyone’s taste so don’t feel like you have to add in high fences if you

Don’t like how they look but I do put them there for privacy but also so just to screen off some of the garden from the outside space it just makes it feel a little bit more secluded I chose Birch fences as I am absolutely and love with

The way they look when they’re stacked up on top of each other and a little tip if you are stacking the fences is to add leaves on top of them this just gives the illusion of climbing plants and also it helps to distract from the gaps

Between the top and the bottom of the fences we finished with our garden now so let’s take a look at the result we’ve created a really interesting unusual Garden by using a mix of water features stepping stones and Greenery I’ve added some minor cits onto the P area we built

Together which are separated by this gorgeous water walkway and plant beds we’ve mixed white flowers with evergreen shrubs to make those areas pop it’s only right to create a luxury swimming pool perfect for cooling down on a hot day surrounded by Ferns and grasses for an exotic tropical

Feel and if swimming isn’t your thing you can relax in the Sun and soak up the Rays wearing sunscreen of course on another paed area bearing two Sun lounges the draws are one Garden threeways miniseries to a close I’d love to know what you thought of it and what

You’d like to see next as always thank you for watching


  1. So inspiring Mads!! Another great video, beautiful thumbnail, angles, and designs! I love what you did with the water I need something like this on my farm ❤ PERFECTION!!

  2. I love these tips and tricks video that you've been making recently! I was wondering if there would be a series like this, but with interior design since I sometimes struggle with it a lot

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