
Red. Handed.

Red. Handed.

by undeservingporcupine


  1. undeservingporcupine

    Well, now I know who keeps digging up my fig plant. Sorry for the false allegations, squirrels. You’re innocent (this time).

  2. ChemistryOk2670

    Who framed roger rabbit?!? This photo is fake, AI I tell you! 🐰

  3. Gloomy-Flamingo-1733

    Try bobbex. Works a treat for my roses.

  4. spicermayor

    Can you tell me what seeds to grab to grow a bunny? 😂

  5. I_wet_my_planties

    I love the forks amongst the dirt clearly signifying that this is not a first offense (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠)

  6. veganthussy

    innocent until proven guilty 🐰 he’s entitled to a fair trial like the rest of us

  7. MissFox26

    I assume she’s making a nest. We had one have babies in our planters a few years ago. Not gonna lie it was pretty cute.

  8. theonetrueelhigh

    Reminds me of a story about my grandmother, chasing a rabbit in her garden for over an hour.

    Aunt: “What’s going on, Mom?”

    Grandma: “I’ve been chasing this little thief all morning, he’s been stealing my sprouts and I’m getting them back!”

    “Uh, how are you going to do that?”

    “I know some recipes for rabbit!”

  9. heavengrl

    He looks so smug about it too. No shame. No hiding. He did it and he’s showing no signs of remorse.

  10. StringCheeseMacrame

    Do you suppose she’s laying Easter eggs? <ducking>

  11. Catsaresuperawesome

    I love when dinner pairs itself with a vegetable.

  12. rosarypea1

    Ugh. We have SOOOO many rabbits around here. There were 6 basking in the neighbors tall grass just the other night. I want to live in harmony but they can be so damned destructive

    Dont get me started on the squirrels that dug up and ate nearly all my perennial bulbs . I would gladly feed them all if they just left my plants alone lol

  13. SubstantialFigment

    Look who showed up just in time for dinner!

  14. DennisMoves

    Little buggers keep eating my Lupines. I hate buying stuff so I’ve built plant defenses out of fallen branches, wood scraps, etc. They have the structural integrity of a house of cards in a city built on rock and roll. The wind blew a portion of one of them down yesterday. Poor plant has only one leaf left. I still find those dagum rabbits pleasant to look at.

  15. I so sick of them!!! They eat all my flowers and plants so now I have to fence them all up. They didn’t eat my rose bush when I planted it last year but I caught them eating the leaves red handed this week, so yesterday I had to fence up my roses too. So annoying!!!

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