
My first real house plants. I feel like they need names. Do y’all name your plants?

My first real house plants. I feel like they need names. Do y’all name your plants?

by goodgirlathena


  1. goodgirlathena

    ID: They are a Hoya Tri Color, Monstera Deliciosa, and Pothos (I think?)

  2. your_nitemare04

    I haven’t named any of mine but its a trauma response for me not to get too attached to anything 😅

  3. riflinraccoon

    I used to name my plants, but once I got into the dozens I couldn’t keep up. Some still have their names though. Vega was my first and she’s still alive. Went throb a little rough patch but I’ve got her lighting figured out and we’re coming back.

  4. Reasonable_Stop_5532

    I do: Fern (spider plant), Gerold (dieffenbachia), Dave (dragon tree), and Beatrice (snake plant)

  5. mybotanicaltreasures

    I started naming them, until my collection got too big.

    The one that still has a name is an albo Monstera which I named: Jessica Albo.

  6. Italianita

    All my monsteras are named with names starting with M. And my rare plants get named too. The 40+ other plants will probably not get names.

  7. MarcoPolo339

    Anymore, I invent a short hand version of their true name – just so I can remember the fancy shmancy botanical title for them.

  8. sourwallflower601

    I had 3 corn plants in the same pot. I named them Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. All three died quickly from root rot. I’ve never named another plant (and also haven’t killed any others, yet).

  9. Angelique718

    Yep🪴 I call them all by their first name 💚

  10. One_Set9699

    I have a succulent I’ve named “Frank” and his babies are the “Franklettes”

  11. MotherofChoad

    I have one plant with a name. My husband wanted a yucca palm when I started my collection and his name is George .

    He just got a new pot for his two year birthday( with us) and he is happy as a clam.

    The rest I use the taxonomic names for. Makes me feel like my biology degree wasn’t useless

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