
Guess who’s back in my yard today, not even bothering to hide in a bush.

Literally just chilling by the front porch. Walked past him several times today without noticing.

by DoNotPetTheSnake



    I hope mom starts compensating you for watching her baby all week lol

  2. probably_your_wife

    Is this that same mom free-loading again?? Someone should call CPS. She’s probably down at the bar going buck wild!

    Edit: it is! Totally a party animal and unacceptable parenting.

  3. newaccount721

    Yesterday was your trial run. You didn’t mess it up so mom trusts your yard more. Good work!

  4. DazeyHelpMe

    It would take everything of my being to not go out there and cuddle that fucking fawn

  5. Affectionate_Sir4610

    This is how pet deer happen. I have a murder of crows myself.

  6. expedient

    For the good of their species, you need to eat this fawn. Lackadaisical!

  7. SporadicWink

    Awww! My love for my plants is trumped by my love for this sweet babe!!

    I still feed the deer in our neighborhood even though they eat all my lovely flowers.

  8. mybrainisabitch

    Be careful. Mama deer attacked my two dogs last year and tried to attack my mom. This year a new mama deer attacked my one dog again. They’re hooves are like knives and they bite and kick.

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