
This is a best friend, correct?

This is a best friend, correct?

by giesej


  1. Edit: And to think I was about to spray my burning bush with insecticidal soap! It’s got a fierce aphid issue so let’s hope this fellow has some friends joining him or her in the fight!

  2. ooojaeger

    Well we used to be best friends but he slept with my girlfriend

  3. IMCopernicus

    For something so cute, ladybugs have the ugliest little babies

  4. KiteLighter

    I hear the Jaws theme song as it approaches from below.

    Luckily, the Aphid’s Mayor doesn’t want to effect the summer tourist season.

  5. LotsOfGarlicandEVOO

    Omg! I had one of these in my garden yesterday and I didn’t know if it was a friend or foe. How is the larvae beneficial to the garden?

  6. Dazzling-Tomorrow918

    Oh my gosh! I haven’t seen one of them since I was a child!!! And two, I didn’t know what they were until this post! ❤️ very cool.

  7. pegicorny

    Checkout the full cycle of a ladybug in the googles! You will most likely be able too see all 4 within your plants. When matured, if there is a white M on the head, it’s an Asian beetle instead of a ladybug, but they eat aphids just the same.

  8. Sikorsky_UH_60

    Bestest friend! I moved a leaf with eggs on it from a tree out back into my garden a week ago, and found them all over my garden this afternoon! Ferried a few from the marigold that doesn’t need much help over to my sunflower, so they could help deal with the minor infestation there, and they had gotten rid of half of them within a few hours.

  9. QueenCassie5

    Show this to your preteens- everyone has an ugly stage.

  10. LoneDefense

    I believe this might actually be a type of [lady beetle](, not a ladybug. The four orange spots are typically something lady beetle larvae have.

    Still super helpful against aphids but they can sometimes cause damage to plants. They also release a foul smelling liquid when bothered as adults and can bite. I’ve found that they do more good than harm for me so I still consider them friends 🙂 just good to know that they can be a potential pest as well.

  11. AcuteNightRN

    Yup that is a lady bug larvae. See those little aphids? This little guy will devour them at an incredible rate. This saving your plant from irreparable damage caused by aphids

  12. Ok-System-1007

    I accidentally said it was lady bug larve, I meant lightning bug larve

  13. Dry_Equivalent_1316

    I’ve been seeing these all over. Many are near my plants so I’ve been wondering what they are and was going to look it up. Thanks for posting it! They look mean so I figured they’d be mean to bad bugs. I’m so happy that they are ladybug larvae. I hope they’ll eat all the thrips, aphids, spider mites in our gardens!

  14. TheoKondak

    The previous week a couple of ladybugs arrived at my aphid infested garden. They had the party of their lives.

    The next day I saw around 60-80 ladybug eggs laying on some pots. In a couple of days the babies spawned, and since then they are feasting on my garden to the point that I can hardly find aphids to feed my baby spiders 😂

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