Native Plant Gardening

They might not be showy but Solomon’s Seal flowers are super Bumble magnets

They might not be showy but Solomon’s Seal flowers are super Bumble magnets

by zoinkability


  1. marmosetohmarmoset

    I freaking love Solomon’s seal. I think the flowers look magical.

  2. dazzlingask3

    I love them. I have a variegated variety that is really nice too

  3. Birding4kitties

    Hummingbirds like the Solomon’s Seal flowers too.

  4. shinysylver

    This is so cool! The flowers on mine kind of shrivelled up — but it’s really hot and dry here right now and they get quite a bit more sun than they should, plus it’s their first year so they aren’t too well established. Maybe next year they will get the 🐝

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