
Banana Growing Basics. Add your tips below πŸ‘‡ #banana #basics #tips

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Basic tips on how to grow Bananas

Climate: Bananas thrive in warm, humid climates with temperatures between 24-35Β°C (75-95Β°F). They require a minimum of 10 months of frost-free weather to produce fruit.

Soil Preparation: Bananas require well-draining, nutrient-rich soil. Amend the soil with organic matter and keep the pH level between 5.5 and 7.0 for optimal growth.

Watering: Bananas require frequent and consistent watering, especially during dry spells. Keep the soil evenly moist but avoid over-watering to prevent root rot.

Fertilisation: Bananas are heavy feeders and require regular fertilisation to produce healthy fruit. Apply a balanced fertiliser every 2-3 months and supplement with potassium-rich fertilisers to encourage fruit development.

Prune regularly: Regular pruning can help maintain the size and shape of the plant, and can also promote fruit production. Remove dead or damaged leaves and trim back suckers (shoots that grow from the base of the plant) to maintain the desired number of stems.

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