Vegetable Gardening

Do not throw your old CD case!!! πŸ˜„πŸ‘ use it in vegetable gardening. How long do seeds stay viable?

How long do seeds last? Started growing seedlings for the raised bed.

King Tut Beans πŸ™‚ –

800 year old Extinct squash –

Thank you for watching. Cheers


  1. Some seeds last longer than others. Kept cool I have various seeds about 10 years old that are fine. I searched seed viability and found a good chart which Y-Tube is blocking. However, I disagree on peas lasting 6 years. Maybe certain varieties (non hybrid) last but I've not had them germinate if more than 2 years old.
    Love the CD test case idea.

  2. I also liked your porcelain watering container πŸ˜ƒ ;the cabbage flowers are pretty ; is the window facing east?

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