Container Gardening

Organic Garden Update + BONUS footage of a special nursery!! ๐ŸŒฒ๐ŸŒณ๐ŸŒธ

Look how much our all organic garden has grown! This raised garden bed is all organic, and doing fantastic! We recently added worm castings as fertilizer with amazing results! Learn how to grow your own organic food right at home!! It wont be long and we’ll be harvesting from our fall – winter garden…….


  1. The garden planter box with all the organic vegetables growing look fabulous that you can eat right out of the ground is the best I can't wait until I move to south Carolina

  2. Totally agree with not putting all these chemicals on our food, especially when itโ€™s not necessary. Our govt tells us Round -up is safe for us. If youโ€™ve ever used it, weeds starts to wilt within 10-15 minutes. This is no different than what big tobacco did back in the day. Telling us smoking was safe! Letting these companies do their own testing and then hiding the devastating consequences. Thanks Ryan.

  3. I have garden envy – it all looks so fabulous! Great video Ryan, thank you! Keep up the organic stuff and I'll crown you an Honorary Hippie!! Ha!

  4. It was so nice to see the garden producing! It was great to have an update! I love the organic gardening info. It only make sense not to use chemicals on our food. Can you show us how you cook your collard greens that you love so much? Iโ€™ve never planted or eaten them before. The nursery tour was amazingโ€ฆso beautiful! Thanks Ryan๐Ÿ‘

  5. Thanks for the update on the garden. You should be proud. Iโ€™ve gotten behind on video watching. Iโ€™ve had the flu and bronchitis.
    Thanks for the nursery tour. Spectacular!

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